Daedalus Yumeno (Ergo Proxy)

Nov 28, 2009 19:04

Character Information:

Nicknamed "the Prince" for being the most desirable young man of his time, Daedalus Yumeno is known for two things: his profound youth and his profound genius. With an effeminate face of perhaps sixteen years, he does not appear to have the dominion expected of someone in his position. And yet, inquire into his background, and you will find that the highest levels of his government recognize him as an authority. He is, if nothing else, a chameleon of the sciences, coming to Landel's Institute from his home of Romdo, where he oversaw the city's Health and Welfare Division, as well as being Romdo's leading researcher.

Why, then, is he now working for Dr. Landel as a mere therapist among many? Well, that's a question for another day.

When it comes to his standing in Landel's, he will do his utmost to see both physical and mental ailments cured, though he recognizes that being a doctor automatically makes him suspicious to patients. Kind, calm, and tolerant, those who meet him will struggle to find a reason to distrust Daedalus, however. One of his strongest traits is being able to weather whatever comes his way with a quiet composure that seems near impossible to shake--at a level most people, young or old, find difficult to manage. If you're looking for an even-tempered therapist, you'll find no equal in Daedalus.

But unlike his colleagues, whom he treats with professional deference, patients might not wish to write him off too quickly. A mischievous smile here and there is proof enough that he isn't as much an obedient cog in the Landel's machine as one might think. His end goal might be to see patients reunited with the outside world like his fellow doctors, but he can work as much against those very fellows as with them. Don't be surprised if he conveniently forgets to report any unlawful behavior. He'll expect the same courtesy from his patients when he participates.

Doctor's Office Number: 1
Played by: shira
AIM: shira syndrome