Mar 10, 2006 12:54
Finally saw this movie, been dying to see it. It wasnt what i expected at all, but still it was very, very good, managed to creep me out, worried about having nightmares, that sort of thing. But like all movies based on a true story that i enjoy, i decided to read up on it... really wish i hadn't.
Apparently the real story, about a girl in Germany who was "Possessed", was... pretty lame actually. She was just epileptic, thats it, there was nothing more too it, she just didnt want to believe she was epileptic. I mean, the movie presents the posibility that possesed people are simply epileptic, but the movie also leaves it open, because the case went, pretty much, undetermined. The guy in the movie was found guilty, but got sentenced to time served, which means that the jury wasnt sure what really happend, but the story it was based off of was pretty cut and dry, the girl was epileptic... it was really depressing, nearly ruined the whole movie.
I get to see my babydoll during spring break... SOOO excited.