...to see kick'n'spit and screaming females...
but then drunk happened in response to a thirty mile bike ride.
my achin' haggits.
me and j may yet go...if he's not too busy going to bro parties.
let's see, let's see...
sunday i got up early, only to realize daylight savings time had rearranged my perceptions!
go to fmu, schlepp a bunch of shit over to maxwell's, which i didn't know todd-o-phonic todd owned. whacky.
enjoyed running cables over a bar with mark, mambach, and a way-too-talky australian girl who looked like cillian murphy. i pretty much just stayed in the shadows and enjoyed watching a bunch of dj's humiliate themselves singing cover songs, though dusty's rendition of quand quando quando was well sung and surprisingly enjoyable for lounge music.
take everything down, home and in bed by 3 am. woot!
right now, i'm doing shots, because why not and i'm rather typically alone and...
canceled plans to hang out with chelsea friday ;) will power, my friend, will power. undaunted, i was invited to her party tonight. i saysa no.
band practice tomorrow, and my most pressing concern at the moment is what movie should i watch tonight? i watched alice in wonderland the last two nights. the first time i watched it i couldn't help thinking during it's 90 minute runnning time that i'd rather suffer through avatar again. the second time i figured perhaps i was being hasty and drunk, only to not even bother finishing it.
going to the bruns!
well, i'm gonna get my shit together and go see a show. hopefully i don't have to pay to get in. fucking fascists, man.