Wow, okay, I never meant to stay away so long. I swear, I have no idea how it is already April; feels like January just happened. And I'm super embarrassed that I haven't made a real post since, er, last April, apparently. I have no idea what happened (well, actually, I do but yeah).
Not that this is a real post, exactly. Just a heads up that I am no longer vesperdivum. I've been slowly (so slowly, like, glacial pace) changing my name(s) to
thisbirdsflown. I'd been sort of wanting to change it for ages and then when I started falling headfirst into the Skyfall/Bond fandom I figured it was time: I just never really wanted to have a (however accidental) fandom specific username for a fandom I'm active in. So.
And now for a quick update! Not leaving Merlin fandom even a little bit. I don't doubt I'll be the last one standing, and that suits me fine. I've signed up for
paperlegends again, and I know, I have the worst track record ever, but I am cautiously optimistic about this year! EVERYONE PLEASE KEEP YOUR FINGERS CROSSED. Nothing better come up between now and then. I really love what I'm doing and I want to post it.
I've also signed up for the
00q_bb, so watch for that as well.
I miss LJ. I miss all of you. I'm occasionally pretty active on tumblr, so if in doubt about my continuing existence, check there (where I am also
thisbirdsflown). Hopefully, I'll be uploading a mix soon. Maybe two, if I can finish up at least a bit of another fic I've been tinkering around with for, er, longer than I really want to admit.
Or try my email! I am always better about email than PM's. vesperdivum [at] gmail [dot] com
And, last (/best!) thing, I'll be going to London soon to see Colin in the Tempest and Ben Whishaw (and Judi Dench!) in Peter and Alice. I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT THIS I AM IN A CONSTANT STATE OF FLAIL.