(no subject)

Nov 03, 2006 20:19

We'd like to apologize for lateness. NaNo ate our brains, and I've been ill all week. This challenge will extend until next Friday, though hopefully we will remember to post the next prompt on Wednesday.

Fandom/Original Prompt
Your challenge is to write a story taking place at, or about, a landmark. This can be a national landmark (the Statue of Liberty, the Eiffel Tower) or a landmark to your characters (the park near grandma's house where they spent Thanksgiving). Or it can be an event. Anything corresponding with the definition of landmark or the thoughts that come to mind when you hear the word will fit.

Specific Fandom Prompt -- Firefly
Your challenge is to write a story centered around a landmark -- this one must be physical. Show us a landmark we've never seen in the Firefly 'verse.

NaNoWriMo Prompt
NaNo is, among other things, a test of how fast you can write. Your challenge this week is to find a buddy and spend at least two hours over the course of the week doing word wars.
A word war is when you and your buddy pick a specific amount of time (10 or 15 minutes work best -- I wouldn't suggest any longer than 30) and write as fast as you can for that long. One person sets a time to make sure you keep track, and when time's up, you check the word count only for what you wrote in that amount of time. Whoever wrote the most "wins", and the whole thing can be started all over again. It's a fun way to add a few extra hundred to your word count that you might not do if you weren't racing to beat a friend.
NaNo buddies willing to do this can be found on the official boards or any NaNo communities. In addition, anyone who'd like to offer their contact info can reply to this with it, to find other TBMers up for the challenge. Parts of NaNo written off these prompts don't need to be posted here, though you most certainly can link to them in the comments if you have a NaNo journal (be sure to note if it's friends-only).

Please put all fics under an LJ-cut (fake cuts are most certainly allowed too), tag with "challenge 6" and include the appropriate header:

Fandom Header
Word Count:

Original Header
Word Count:

You may write as many fics as you like for these prompts, and post them all to the community until the next set of prompts is put up (probably in a week, unless both of your mods just completely fail). You are also encouraged to post them in any other fic communities (and if you do, links back to this community will earn you much love).

Have fun, and if you have any comments or questions, please go ahead and ask!

Once again, your moderators' NaNo journals, both friends only:
starstoignite (allfireburns)
knotsofwood (soscaredtolove)

challenge 6, mod

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