here are 100 random facts about me. they are pretty detailed and was really fun to do. if you are bored I suggest doing it. It makes your brain recall all kinds of memories and things about yourself. read on to find out more about me.
random facts
1. I've been a Floridian almost all of my life (born in Orlando), with the exception of 2 years in which I lived in Kentucky. Yes, Kentucky. I developed a country accent when I was 7. I dont have it anymore, but when I moved back to my native state (Florida) people asked me "where are you from" lol. the funny thing is I was always from Florida.
2. I don't know my real father. I remember tidbits of him from when I was little but for the most part, I dont know who he is. Havent seen him in 18 years. I would like to try and get ahold of him though.
3. I have a very good memory. I can remember things as far back as 2 years old. And usually my memory serves me correctly, as my mother will tell me thats the way the memory happened.
4. I was a very good student in school. My best subject was english and spelling. I was so good that in 5th grade I was in the Miami Herald Spelling Bee and I was in the Magnet Program for pre-med for middle school that they go by SAT scores for. I remember one of my friends crying that their scores werent high enough to get in the magnet program. I felt bad for her.
5. I remember coming home one day in third grade to find all my christmas presents missing, our vcr gone, and my mothers jewelry vanished. come to find, our house got robbed. I was only 9 years old and my christmas was stolen from me. All that hard work my parents did to buy me presents was for nothing. But there are good people left in this world. The Sun Sentinal wanted to put me in the newspaper about what happened. And people responded to the article. The Sunrise Fire Department delivered me gifts and complete strangers did the same. I'll never forget that christmas.
6. when I was three, I saved my cousins life (who was only about a year old) me my aunt and my mom (with my cousin) were in a grocery store. my mom and aunt were looking at some type of food and within that split second this guy came around the corner and snatched my cousin up. I knew this guy didnt look familiar, and I remembered what my good mommy told me about strangers, so I began to scream. Scream as loud as I could. I was basically a human alarm system at that point. Everyone and their mother looked in my direction and by that time my cousin was walking toward us crying. Guess the guy knew he didnt have a chance. My aunt keeps telling me that my cousin is in my debt until he does something for me in the same fashion. I tell her "it's not needed, just knowing I saved his life is what's important"
7. in the third grade I kept squinting at the board. and of course the old fashioned teacher calling the students mother that "your child seems to need glasses" comes about. I walk into 4 eyes optical and come out with these ridiculous thick bifocles because I guess my eye sight was worse than thought of. Jeesh did I get teased cause unfortunately back then glasses didnt come as far as they have today. Eventually about a year later my eyes got better and I got regular glasses. I just remember always saying "4 eyes are better than two eyes" in elementry school. haha.
8. When I was three, I tried to be superwoman and attempted to fly off the kitchen table. Unfortunately no one told me about gravity. I broke my little arm. I remember the whole night and getting my cast off like it was yesterday.
9. my mom told me when I was in my terrible twos that I used to rampage the refrigerator. I use to take bites out of cheese and butter and put them back. you know what the funny thing about this is? I remember doing this. Again, I have a very good memory.
10. I used to beg to wash the dishes when I was 8 years old. For some reason I loved to do that house hold chore. Now you ask me to do it and it's like pulling teeth. boy were they right about changing over the years.
11. Between the ages of 8 and 9 I was such a little brat. I dont know why either. I guess it was a phase I went through. My cousins, my aunts, and my mom all tell me the things I have done. I think I would have to agree with them. I remember one day I was mad because my cousin who was 16 at the time and I was 8 put me in her bedroom to take a nap so she and her "boyfriend" could talk alone. I got so pissed at the fact that it was daylight and I had to go to sleep that I grabbed an egg and smashed it in her hair in front of her boyfriend. Oh man, I never seen my cousin so mad before! I look back at that and still laugh.
12. I remember seeing Howard The Duck in the movie theater with my real father when I was 4 distinctively. Thats one of my most clear memories of him. I kept sipping on the soda in a way that I was trying to salvage it. I remember him telling me "what are you doing Jenny? You have bitten the straw and I cant drink through it now" lol. of course I also remember seeing Oliver and Company with him. I still have the Doger stuffed animal and story book he got me.
13. My mom use to be the chaperone at school field trips I had. I remember how proud I was of my mom. I still feel that way. When she walks in my work and my co-employees say hello to her, it just makes me feel good to have a mom like her. Even when I walk in her work, I get this feeling like "hello everyone, I am your managers daughter." I've always felt this way though. I love my mom so much.
14. I have been to the bahamas twice. on the way there I got the opportunity to swim in 5 ft waters on the sand reef and pick up live star fish to examine their beauty. In turn I had to watch where I stepped because there was camaflaged sting rays in the sand.
15. I got stuck on the Montu at Busch Gardens in a 7th grade field trip. The bus almost left me and my friend there. I couldnt control the ride! They made me and my friend write a two page essay to our councelor of why we were late and why we were sorry. But I wasnt sorry because it wasnt my fault! anyway it was worth it.
16. I had a pony when I was little. Her name was princess. My uncle had a farm with lots of animals and he gave me my own pony. I remember riding it and everything. The funny thing is, 7 years later, I was watching the Simpsons and the episode where Lisa gets a pony, her pony's name was Princess and it had a white stripe down its nose. My mom told me that my pony had the same exact stripe. I wonder if they wrote that episode after my pony?
17. My mom was trying to enter me into a singing contest at the Sawgrass Mills Mall. I used to rehearse everyday after school in 4th grade. The song I was singing was "The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow" mainly because at the time Annie was one of my favorite movies. and it still is. My mom told me that music talent runs in our family. That may be why I can sing so well, although very few people know this.
18. One halloween I got dressed up as a mummy. My costume was so authentic that my step dad wrapped sheet cloth around me to look like the bandaging. I looked so good. We went to the Publix costume contest and of course I got first place. Nothing like Home Made Halloween Costumes.
19. I had this wooden coffin on the back porch from halloween that we made for a prop in the yard and we used it later as a storage container for the halloween stuff. one day a friend of mine came over and asked why we had it there. All of a sudden I come up with this bogus story that in my aunts will she wanted to be mummified and she asked that we keep her in a coffin for us to hold. I couldnt believe her face and reaction after I told her that. I dont even know where I got that idea from. but it was funny. LMAO!
20. I remember the first time I was ever in a chat room and I was totally clueless about the internet. I didnt even know what I was doing really. It was through CompuServe (does that even still exsist?) and I recall this guy asking me to a private chat, me still curious about things went into the chat room, and he asked me how old I was. I thought he was getting too personal and I said "why do you need to know my age for?" and I guess he could sense I was scared (and I was!) so he, I know at this time was messing with me but then I didnt know, said to me "I know where you live, I got your address from the computer" And I was sooooo freaked out that I turned the power surge button off and shut down the computer improperly. I didnt go online for awhile until I learned more about it from friends at school. LOL. I was freaked out. I was waiting for this guy to show up at my door.
21. After seeing pratical magic in the movie theater with my best friend in middle school, we attempted to try our own "magic spells". we were just fulling around convincing ourselves that we were doing the spell right (when it was just bullshit but hey at the time we thought it was true) and all of a sudden something happened that we wanted to happen from doing the spell out of coinsidence and we're all like "oh my gosh it worked! how did we do that!?" the minds of children I tell you. haha
22. I love how I can look back at stupid things I did when I was younger and just laugh at myself. lol.
23. when I was 16 in tenth grade I got my first tattoo. My mom and step dad came with me and allowed me to have it done. I was the only one at that age and in that grade to have a tattoo (well that I knew of anyway) and I recall all my friends saying how cool my parents were to let me get it done. And now I know why they let me do it. They would have rather me get it done with them so they could control where on my body I got it done and what I got done. They made me get it in a place where it was always hidden and it was something tasteful that I wouldnt regret down the line years later. So I respect my parents for doing that. not because Ithought it was cool to have a tattoo at that age, but because they cared enough about my decision of getting a tattoo to make sure I did it right. see this is why kids rebell, because their parents arent understanding and arent willing to compromise situations.
24. I have always been and always will be a perfume freak. even if I dont use it all the time, if I just so happen to fall in love with the smell I will buy it. My theory is you can never have enough perfume because you can always smell different for specific occasions. its boring to me to always wear the same perfume.
25. at one point in middle school, polyester was in style. dont ask me how, but it was. I used to try and find cute polyester shirts with my best friend when we went shopping to wear. now I dont care too much for it.
26. one time, I remember I tried to be "goth" for a day to see what it was like with a friend of mine. I wore black eyeliner exaggerating it, I put a hoop earring around my lip to make my lip look pierced, I wore JNCO jeans and a black band shirt. I think I even braided my hear in a fashion to look like Jonathan Davis hair from KoRn. that was intersting. I got so many stares at the mall. I admitted I didnt like it and that was definitely not my style. but it was just fun to be in someone elses shoes for the day. I have respect for new metal kids who dress that way because its what they like and with the amount of stares and snikers you get, you still dress that way and you be yourself.
27. I used to have panic attacks on a daily basis. I remember how freaked out I was over it. I thought I was dying, literally. I missed alot of school because of it (which is one of the reasons why I couldnt graduate high school and I had to get my GED). My doctor tried to make me take Paxil to control them but that just made it worse. Finally I was put on a generic form of Xanax and it calmed me down. I thought I was going to be that way forever. But I recall the doctor saying "this just may be a phase that will go away with time" yeah it did but that was the longest year of my life. To feel like your heart is going to beat out of your chest each time, thinking you are going to have a heart attack from it is the worst feeling ever. I dont have this problem anymore. Although when something tramatic happens, I tense up and feel the symptoms of a panic attack come on. But during that year I learned how to calm myself down.
28. I was a note writer throughout middle school and high school. I dont know why but I just liked to do it. With that said, I used to write poems in classes I hated and didnt care about. Thats all I would do the entire period. hey it's better than sleeping because at least you are writing and it looks like you are doing something! lol
29. I have repetitive dreams about being in tornados. I dont know why but I do. I've had at least 50 of them. Someone was telling me that it means I am in the middle of life problems and everything is going on around me but i'm trying to remain calm being that everytime in my dream I am in the eye of the tornado. I'm not having any problems right now, but maybe when I have the dream it's recalling problems I had or was having at the time of the dream. weird.
30. I used to stuff my ex boyfriend in my closet when we first started dating because I wanted to spend more time with him and see him in the morning. (this is obviously because my parents wouldnt allow him to spend the night and sleep on the couch, duh, even though I was 18 it was still their roof) he was such a good sport. He slept in my closest the entire night! I even remember one time he got a cold from it because it was stuffy in my closet but cold outside.
31. I used to take my step sisters son everywhere with me. I used to babysit him so much to the point he was calling ME mommy. anyway, I would take him on bus rides with me. I used to love doing that. Even though sometimes he was a pain in the butt with the whining, but I honestly loved it. It definitely gave me some parenting skills.
32. I wanted to have my own cleaning service with a friend of mine since one day I cleaned one of my step sisters friends house for 50 bux easily. I said to myself "if I could do this for a living and clean 3 houses a day I could make 150 to 200 dollars a day!" I still sometimes think about this to be a good thing to start. but then I think about all the possible NASTY SCURVY houses I would have to clean and I say "nah forget it" plus I think you have to have a license.
33. one night while me and my mom were visiting my step dad at his night job at a gas station, these two punks came in stole beer and shot a gun. I was so scared! I thought that someone got shot. luckily it was just a shot in the air. few, that was a really scary thing.
34. I use to date this guy who was going bald at only age 23! that was a major turn off for me, but I still gave him a chance to be nice because he always wore a hat and I never seen his head really. but it didnt work, not just because of the fact that I wasnt attracted to him, but because there was no chemistry there.
35. I was somewhat of a tom boy for a little while in elementry school being that all the kids on my block were boys and I liked playing out side so I would play basketball or football with them. until one day I made friends with a girl and I started doing more girly things lol.
36. I dont have to wear much makeup. as a matter of fact, I rarely wear makeup. especially at work. when I go into work I could careless if I have makeup on or not. just as long as I am showered and show up. but when I do wear it, I dont have to wear much. you could just give me some eyeliner and lipgloss and I'll be set. I've always had to wear eyeliner though, ever since middle school. for some reason it brings my eyes out and I like that.
37. I love dogs. I think they are so cute, even the ones that arent so cute. they all have their own personalities. if I was rich I would have like 5 or more doggies. =)
38. I'm a bargain shopper. I dont buy really expensive clothes. just for the fact that I couldnt see myself buying a 100 dollar pair of pants when that could be gas money for 3 weeks. I buy clothes I like. I dont care if its a name brand no one has heard of, if its cute I will buy it. but nothings too cute to buy for 100 bux! I shop at stores like Ross and TJ Maxx. doesnt make me poor, doesnt make me unfashionable, makes me smart and reasonable. I have found some of the cutest clothes that were as little as two bux each!
39. I dont follow fads. I do my own thing. I hate that every damn girl has "french manicures" on their effin hands! what is up with that!? and everyone has a fricken LV or DB bag, not to mention COACH. If I see a purse at JC pennys or Ross that I find to be cute, I'll buy it. but not for the name! I guess this goes back to buying really expensive things just for the name.
40. I cant stand SNOBBY and stuck up people with a passion! theres girls with their LV bags their clevage hanging out with their french manicures and overly done makeup who buy ciggarettes and says "I dont need the receipt lady" and walks away with their stank behinds reaking of smoke. WHY DO YOU HAVE TO ACT LIKE THAT? SERIOUSLY?
41. I dont like for my boyfriend to go to sleep first. I try to keep him awake until I fall asleep. Sometimes he gets mad that I do this, but in the end I think he knows its a security issue with me.
42. I love pizza. Always have, Always will.
43. I am a big fan of the food network. no, not because I LOVE to eat but because I think it's art to watch people cook.
44. I am the biggest fan of 80's music and 80's related things. I LOVE THE 80's!
45. If I had a choice to watch TV or listen to music, I would pick music anyday.
46. I have abit of a road rage problem, Not that I drive people off the road. but the few people who have been in the car with me driving know what I am talking about. I cant stand stupid drivers and when I come across one I get mad and yell and honk my horn at them. I cant stand stupidity on the road!! thats what causes accidents. But I am trying to keep my composure better.
47. I love Tom Hanks. I've been watching his movies since I can remember. Big, Splash, And Turner And Hooch are some of my favs from back in the day.
48. I remember waking up before my mom when I was like 4 and 5 turning on the TV and watching Fraggle Rock when it used to be on HBO. Although before that came on, Mr. Bean would come on. I never turned the channel. for some reason even at that age I thought he was funny and watched it anyway. I still think he is funny.
49. Anyone who knows me well, knows that I am the biggest fan of nightmare on elm street. yes I always will be too. this doesnt make me evil, this just makes me a fan of a classic horror series. doesnt mean I'm going to go around using a glove with knives for fingers to kill people or allow someone to do this. I can depict movie screen from reality.
50. Wow I'm finally to 50. Since this is 50 I'm going to state what I would like at the age of 50 to be long married to my boyfriend with maybe a kid and a nice house we own. yes I would like this.
51. I used to think that my grandmothers decorative 80's decor "peacock feathers" in her living room were eyes looking at me and I would always run up to them and say "look, those eyes are looking at me grandma!" LMAO
52. My mom said when I was 2 I liked to say NO alot. "go to bed....NO" "listen to me....NO" by this time I would be running from my grandmother because my mom didnt really like to dicipline me but of course my grandmother didnt hesitate to grab a flyswatter and smack me one good time on the legs. If you did that nowadays someone would call HRS on you.. what the heck is that? (nothing wrong with an old fashioned flyswatter smack for a little dicipline. kids these days dont get dicipline at all and thats why there are so many juveniles running around)
53. I used to eat strawberries so much when I was growing up (and I still do) that someone told me "if you keep eatting them that much you are going to become allergic" I swear I didnt eat them for the longest time because I would just die if I ever became allergic to strawberries!
54. I used to spell probably "probally" for the longest time, until someone pointed it out to me. lol.
55. I can type 70 words per minute and I learned this on my own. I didnt take any classes for this. I aquired this from using the computer so much in middle school.
56. I remember I stayed on the phone with a guy once from 10pm at night until 7am the next day. WHOA. 9 hours. thats about how long I work everyday. thats crazy.
57. Once when I was 15 I was trying to sleep in my pitch black bedroom and all of a sudden it felt like cold hands were around my neck and I had a hard time breathing. It felt like someone was standing over me. The eerie thing was no one was in my bedroom except me. To this day I think that was a ghost.
58. I used to have the first "Doom" game on my computer in middle school. I would never play it at night though because it scared the crap out of me.
59. I play nintendo to this very day. I would have had my original nintendo from 1989 but my step-sisters ex fiance thought it would be nice to use it as a throwing device at the wall one day.
60. I had the biggest crush on Elija Wood when I was 9 years old after seeing "radio flyer" I just thought he was so cute! with this said, I also had the biggest crush on Jonathan Taylor Thomas. HAHA. I wrote him a letter once and I remember how disappointed I was when I got a postcard back from him that was a copy of something he wrote that everyone gets from his fan club.
61. I seen a shooting star one morning walking to my bus stop in 9th grade. It was beautiful.
62. I met Tommy Chong from Chich And Chong, and he was very funny in person as on screen.
63. I had the chance to meet Jimmy Page from Led Zeppelin if only I was 21 at the time. I had a Led Zeppelin shirt on at a comedy club when I was 19 and someone approached me and told me he was doing a "secret performance" at this bar called "cheers" in Boca. woe was me that night. I was devistated when I found out you had to be 21!!!! ::gasp::
64. I remember I was one of those pop people who listened to Y-100 in middle school. My step dad said "give classic rock a chance and I bet you, you never go back to that crap again" you know what? he was right. I never listen to that station to this day. I dont like alot of pop and I have a great deal of respect for classic rock and have enjoyed many bands from that era.
65. I used to be the biggest Everclear fan. I still like them, but not as big of a fan as I used to be. I remember I seen this guy have the coolest everclear shirt on after he met them on MTV when they used to have that show on where people got to meet their favorite musician and I was like I WANT THAT SHIRT! One day in orlando I was at a flea market and ::gasp:: I found that same shirt! I was sooooo happy that a dog could pee on my shoe and I wouldnt even care. Now thats a devoted fan. LOL.
66. I think Furbies are evil little things.
67. I used to eat cool ranch doritos like they were going out of style.
68. I almost drown once when I was 4 years old but my uncle saved me.
69. I remember each year when I was younger (8 9 or 10 years old) this movie called "the worst witch of all" would come on around Halloween time on HBO. The girls name was Mildred Hubble. The guy from Annie (the one who was trying to kidnap annie, otherwise known as Tim Curry) and that blonde lady from The Facts Of Life plays in it. I love that movie to this day and I have been trying to find it on Ebay. Am I the only one who has watched this movie or know about it anyway?
70. I used to watch Pippi Long Stalking, the movie and the cartoon. I was also a big fan of Pee Wee Hermans Play House.
71. I believe older shows from back in the day including sitcoms and cartoons are better than things on TV these days. I remember when fresh prince full house and family matters was the bomb, and inspector gadget garfield and friends and Heathcliff were cool. TV just disappoints me these days. (I really have to get the TV station called Boomerang on Direct TV seems how they play old school cartoons)
72. If you consider watching old cartoons, playing video games especially those from the 80's, listening to 80's music and watching 80's movies, and collecting nightmare on elm street items classifies me as being a geek or a nerd then, I'll proudly accept it cause I dont care. I LOVE THOSE THINGS AND I WOULDNT CHANGE THAT FOR ANYONE =)
73. I prefer the heat over the cold anyday.
74. I love hottubs
75. once I did my kitchen in stawberries =)
76. one time my nose was stuffed up from a cold I had and I couldnt taste anything. my cousin dared me to eat a piece of cat food so I did. I didnt taste anything but let me tell you something, it cleared up my nose and sinuses! dont ask me how but it did.
77. me and one of my cousins dressed up my younger boy cousin as a girl messing around. he went outside and knocked on the neighbors door messing around with them. we thought if he had the nerve to do something like that then he wouldnt mind staying outside like that. so we locked the door and everyone was looking at him, I couldnt stop laughing. and now when I think back at that I still laugh hard. I guessyou had to be there to understand how funny it was.
78. one of my cousins admires me so much, she thinks I am really beautiful and I should be a model. I've never had someone look up to me that much, and to think she's about 10 years older than me. that just goes to say age IS really nothing but a number.
79. I hate mickey mouse but I love disney world. Guess because I was born in "rat country" (orlando) I just cant stand the character.
80. I have naturally curly hair but I hate it so I always make sure its not noticable.
81. I was named after my moms first love's little sister. how cute is that? My mom was trying to find him one day so she could tell him that.
82. My favorite thing to do at recess was play on the money bars. I havent done that in ages.
83. In Kentucky (when I lived there for 2 years) we had a two story house on an acre of land. I used to climb on our roof and watch the drive in movie theater screen across the field we had next to us. That was the coolest thing ever. free movies.
84. In Kentucky we had field days. that was so much fun. basically the classes all got to run around on the field and eat and drink and have fun and play games and win prizes. do you think we have that in florida? NO.
85. I used to have a parakeet when I was 4 years old but my mom told me I let him fly away. I guess I felt bad for him being in the cage like that.
86. I used to try and redecorate my grandmothers house when I was little, I do that to this day. I was telling my mom what she should do to her room, and I was telling a friend what they should do to their house. maybe I should have been an interior decorator.
87. I cant draw if my life depended on it, but ask me to write a poem and it's like I'm wearing a bullet proof vest.
88. I have all the poems I have ever wrote since I was in 6th grade to the present time.
89. I love halloween and things related to it.
90. I only like to read if what I'm reading is really interesting. otherwise I dont read at all.
91. I used to use Sun In in my hair when I was in middle school so it was like a dark blonde. lol. but it didnt look bad, although I would never do that again.
92. I hate spiders they freak me out.
93. I remember seeing ET in the movie theater.
94. my mom used to make these pita pizzas for me when I was younger. I loved it so much. I thought about trying to make one again for old time sake.
95. I used to be in the girl scouts and I sold cookies. My fav cookie is the thin mint.
96. I love carnivals. especially those for halloween and christmas.
97. I used to have a scorpion as a pet because my step dad found one crawling on his leg. I never got to touch it but it was interesting to watch it.
98. old school nickelodeon is the best
99. 99 bottles of beer on the wall was sang by me and my friend one night while walking on the ft. lauderdale beach and this old person came on the balcony of their hotel room and told us to "shut the hell up" NOW that was funny!
100. I am actually at 100. I have ran out of things to say, lol.