Sep 30, 2006 15:02
you know what? I quit racetrac gas station. some of you may call me crazy, some of you may call me stupid, but in the end I gotta do what is right for ME. this place did not issue breaks and it wasn't a full 40 hours a week which is what I need, at least 35 hours. they were only issuing 32 hours a week. not to mention I was constantly worrying about getting robbed. I was hearing stories about past robberies and to me that is just too much. and I heard that one of my friends was robbed at gun point when she worked at a gas station.
basically, that job wasn't for me. I was picking up trash in the parking lot as if I was doing community service work to serve my time for a crime I commited. don't get me wrong, people who choose to do these type of jobs it's up to them. but I've already did these type of jobs for the past 6 years since I have began working at 16. It's time for a change. I'm going to be 23 in February and I have nothing to really show for myself. Now it's time for me to stop taking the easy way out and try something new that might be hard, to accomplish something in my life.
I want to go back to school for business administration. I need to get a good solid job in the mean time that will either be in the same career path that I wish to follow, or that will not be so physical with breaks and 40 hours a week that will be willing to work with my school schedule when that comes around
I've been applying with a few places online. and one of my friends told me she worked for Lowes and that they are a great company and they need people BAD. Lowes and Home Depot are the two best retail companies that you can work for. mind you, I seriously don't want to be in retail anymore, I'm completely done with it. but this is what she told me about working at Lowes:
they give two 15 min breaks and an hour lunch
they give a full 40 hour work week
they start off around 9 dollars an hour
you only have to ring people up all day as a cashier, you do not have to go outside and clean up the parking lot, you do not have to face the merchandise in the store, and you do certainly do not have to really worry about getting robbed as much as you would at the gas station.
so I may consider working there for a few months until I get into school again because either way we need the money right now. and she also told me once i'm in school they will work with my school schedule.
I'm willing to work at a retail place for the time being, if by working there it will be an improvement. there is no more me working at retail companies that is not improving me and is just an easy way to make money. improvement would be that I will get 40 hours a week at 9 an hour. read ahead and you will see what I mean by that.
to me, life isn't going to go right the first time around, if you gotta quit jobs to get closer to where you want to be or to better accomodate you, so be it. that is why these employers make you sign a document that says "neither you or this company are bound to the job that you are receiving. this company has the right to terminate you at any given time, and you have the right to terminate yourself from this company at any given time" if you were supposed to stay at one given job how would anyone ever improve theirselves?
each job you have is a stepping stone to get further in your life. but you have to go to the next stepping stone to get further. if you stay at the same type of job for a long period of time that you know isn't going to get any better or take you anywhere you are just going to stay on one stone idle.
when I took this racetrac job I went against my better judgement anyway. instead of waiting a bit longer for a better job to come along, I just jumped on the wagon because they paid 9 bux and hour. but what I came to find, is that they offer you 9 an hour because they do not give you a complete 40 hour work week. so it sounds great,. but once you are in there and working 32 hours or less a week, when you get paid you are making the equivalent of about 7.50 or 8 an hour at full time. so that 9 doesn't mean shit. I'm still stuck in square one staying with them because I was making that amount full time at walgreens when I used to work there.
one of my friends lectured me and told me that I act like it's so easy to find a job. (because I left racetrac) no I don't. if I did I would just stay at racetrac because it WAS easy for me, and convienient. doing the harder thing that will better me in the end, would to wait longer to find a better job that will in some way improve me, and me going back to school to get a degree in something. but this is my life anyway. I only know what is best for me. if I were to stay at racetrac I'd be taking that job away from someone that needed it more than me, so I would just rather resign and let someone else who still needs to learn more in their life by using that job, to have the position. I've already obtained enough knowledge and experience these past 6 years by taking minimal jobs at the lowest pay they can start you off with. I need to start thinking about my future.
and if anyone still thinks I'm crazy, well, I can't worry about that. I gotta look out for myself,. because when I come out in the end with a degree in business administration and a better job, this crazy girl would have accomplished something educational and career wise for the first time in her life. to me, that's not so crazy.