If I ever come up to you and say, "Hey, XXXX band is playing at the Avalon. We should get tickets" please say to me, "AMY WINEHOUSE".
Seriously. That place. You know, I'm used to going to crowded shows. Crowded shows are fine. But crowded shows in which 2/3 of the crowd has no idea how to behave at a non-arena show, and does not realize that priority one should not be "behaving like I am at a bar" get a little annoying. Even though you are at a bar (this is where it gets tricky), your first priority should be "listening to music" because that is what you are there for. Drinks are important, but secondary.
And fucking lesbians. Seriously.
The opener,
Patrick Wolf was freaking adorable and I wanted to put him in my pocket. He played the violin and wore suspenders and all in all tried too hard to emulate his idols on stage (which, based on his performance, were Robert Smith, Marilyn Manson, Jonathan Rhys-Myers, Bjork and Christian Bale dancing in his bedroom in Velvet Goldmine) but was interesting nonetheless.
And Amy Winehouse was great. Wasted, but great. She had a huge backing band that included two men who were backup singers but also excellent dancers. Amy was double-fisting drinks the entire time and was completely incoherent in between songs. Which perhaps may have been an act, as her actual performance was excellent, and I guess she understands that the audience really expects her to be drunk. I know we were.
So a good show, an interesting show, but kind of ruined by the venue. Fucking lesbians.