(no subject)

May 03, 2007 15:45

I was listening to "Mint Car" by the Cure today, and I realized that I can remember the exact first time I heard it. I was driving up the hill on East Lake Road, right before Townline, in Otis, with the sunroof down and it was a beautiful day and that song came on BER and I was like, "wow, this is such a perfect song for today... I wonder what it is."

I think that's funny, that I can remember stuff like that. How music can be connected so immediately to a moment. Just like taste or smell, for me. I drank Yogi lemon ginger tea (delicious and good for circulation!) the other night while we were watching Jackass and I know that from now on the taste of that tea will remind me of Jackass.

Funny stuff. I got tulips today from a boy who is not Terrill! Clutch your pearls, everyone, and don't get the vapors!

Hippie party looks like it will be June 2nd!
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