Sep 04, 2007 17:33
so im sore as hell but im still chubby! i fucking hate it and i dont even eat that much i do jumpstyles all night and do aerobicizes all day . i swear the only way to get skinny for me is to go on a three month long drinking binge where i eat one ramen a day and drink and dance all night.
Thats pitiful anyway i really need to crack down cos i hate being chubbers even though i love chubbers i think its hot or at least not skinny you know... ?
So this weekend was pretty tight the Brizahh benefit as all of you have heard or experienced was off the chain for sure! i had the best time ive had at a show in a while and it felt good to be around all those quality peeps!!! the performances were amazing and i loved every minute of it. im so happy with all my new friends its like we're a family a big gay family of gays..especially kyle... hahaha
the next day i went over to angies and we tried to get her projector to work but she missin a chord so it aint worked out but we're gonna get it working and my performances will be oh so edited ! and virtual! after that we went to get some froyo at the golden spoon and then to traders for some quality fake meats and we had a bbq! it was fun and we all got buzzed and went kareoking in tustin with her family it was the bomb! then we went late night swimming and that was bomb !!! too much bomb!!! anyway it was a fun weekend.
I'm leaving for SF either tomorrow after noon or thursday morning for my show as IE on thursday @ the knockout for LAZER DANCE! This should be fun im performing for the first time with futuristic back up dancers and wearing a futuristic costume im looking forward to the road trip and not going to work seriously im so over working. i just want to perform or make art for a living but who the fuck doesn't anyway. death is cool!
<3 margot