Jun 26, 2011 19:21
So I had made an in-depth update post a couple of weeks ago but LJ deleted half of it *shakes fist* and I haven't had the energy (or the time) to re-write it. But since it has been a while and I don't wanna abandon you all, I will make a dot point update now and go into the things when I have time to make a proper post.
OK here is what has been happening:
*Got a job of sorts (Unpaid, Mondays and Tuesdays 9am to 3.30pm)
*Been taking my mother to an ever increasing amount of appointments (nothing major just the hydro and physio therapies amongst some others)
*Had my own drs. appointment and follow up for blood results
*Cousin Cassandra, her hubby Luke and bubby Oliver are moving away
*Cassandra's parents are separating after 24 years of marriage
*My muse (for those in the NCIS fandom you know how temperamental Watson can be) has been re-ignited, sadly not for any of my fanfics but for real stories!
*Hung out with Natalie, Kyle and Shane one night... definitely a much needed catch up.
*Shopping, mostly for work stuffs
*Sleep, honestly when I haven't been doing anything above (or the one below) I have been sleeping! Fell asleep on the couch in the lounge room at about 6.30/7.00pm Saturday night and didn't wake up until 12.30am!
*Re-watching every video by the vlogbrothers... finally just got up to the second year videos... (hey don't complain pretty sure my muse was re-ignited by those... and some other nerdy stuff!)
Yeah... so that's what's been happening... also need to start tweeting again. Will try and write a more in depth update probably Thursday evening my time... Got work Monday and Tuesday and Mother's appointments (and an appoint. for me) all day Wednesday so I wont be able to then but I have NOTHING planned for Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday *insert happy dance*
OK folkies stay safe! *group hugs*
<3 Bec
p.s put the unwell icon up because I have been sleeping so much and I think it might be a sign I am coming down with something.
subject: fandom,
subject: people,
friends: shane,
health: unwell,
site: twitter,
post: update,
family: mother,
people: me,
subject: family,
month: june,
family: cassandra,
friends: natalie,
subject: list,
subject: health,
friends: kyle,
site: youtube,
subject: friends,
family: extended,
site: livejournal