Even though it is technically the third I am counting this as day 2 because I have yet to go to bed.
Currently I am in a bath soaking in Pinetarsol... and if you have never heard of it, let it be known that 1) it is the colour of something reminiscent from Harry Potter... don’t know what but it is a really dark green almost black colour and turns the water cloudy. 2) it frackin stinks! Like a mix between damp ash after a fire with freshly laid road. Sadly I have been using it so much I am getting used to the smell.
The reason why I am using this hideous stuff? My allergies that appeared over my Christmas break have returned with a vengeance.
I still have no idea why the appeared the first time, this time I know it is 100% due to stress, but it took 3 courses of prednisolone (Steroid) and 360mg daily of antihistamine (which I have not actually stopped at all) to get rid of the first time. I am almost finished my first course of prednisolone this time but they have not gone.
As for this post being late? 1) I am working from home and 2) it was my mama’s birthday today and I have spent a good chunk of it either putting together the desk my brother and father got her as a gift (she doesn’t trust the men to put together her furniture so it is up to me lol) or baking her cake (double layer rich chocolate cake with chocolate icing on top, sugar roses, pink cream and Jane in the middle).
Trying to take the edge off of the hives before I go to bed.
Hope you are all well.
Til tomorrow!