since when has it become the "cool" thing, to look the same as everyone else?
Something from teen vogue that I really liked.
so not too long ago, i was at the mall when i came to a discovery that everyone looks the same. so why is this? has everyone traded in their low self-esteem & discarded building their character to look "t0talliE haWt"? everytime i go to the mall, i see more & more obsessive dieters decked out in tight pants with their g-strings pulled up to their mid back. may i add that it's "cool" now to spend $69.50 on "vintage" jeans with holes in all the wrong places. thanks but no thanks, americans do not need to spend their wasted afternoons trying to find my pale white butt.
but why just spend all this money on faded "vintage" jeans for people to stare at your "assets". it doesn't stop there. we all must use this "vintage" trend as an excuse to be "emo". if you don't understand what i mean, i'll be a little more specific- all of a sudden it's the new hot thing to be heartbroken & depressed. hey little couture freaks, buy your thick rimmed glasses & pop your collar because it's cool to pretend you give two cents about dashboard & bright eyes as you take horrible & depressing pictures of yourself. while your at it, use a cliche taking back sunday lyric on your myspace to show that std infected guido you threw yourself at last night "iN dA CluB!" that "he's a touch overrated". nice one.
so you have no identity. that's typical, especially if you're from where i live then you shouldn't have such high standards to ever have an identity, because that's slim to none. so you're bored with your life & you can't be proud unless you have an equally pathetic significant other wrapped around your arm. let me just say this much, you're wasting the best years of your life on someone who doesn't even have depth . simply- LOOKS ARE NOTHING. EVERYONE GETS FAT & UGLY LATER ANYWAY. YOU'RE BETTER OFF WITH THE FAT KID WITH ROSACEA BECAUSE I BET YOU IN 20 YRS HE IS SUCCESSFUL, STILL LOVING, & GORGEOUS.
don't starve yourself for someone, because if you feel that you need to when you're around him, he isn't anyone you really want to be with anyway. looking like paris hilton is not aspiration. she looks like an extraterrestial. so if you're parading around your bathroom mirror & scale trying to be like her & all those waste of life celebrities similar to her, it looks like you need to gain some serious perspective on who you really are. & since when on earth is it "cool" to degrade yourself like them? stupid girls sit there whining why "EvERyTHinq SUXx! mY LovE lYk DuN lUv Mee nEmoREZ!".
guys like girls who respect themselves. simple as that. now put some clothes on & stop getting "trashed at the hottest party" because no real guy wants a desparate drunk skank who threw herself at them. this isn't the movies folks, it isn't "romantic" to puke all over the place with your crush holding your hair.
no one seems to have genuine fun anymore. you only had a "fun" weekend if you blazed or drank straight from a keg. newsflash!! i seem to have a great time going to shows with my friends & i prefer riding in a shopping cart over passing a joint in a park. to each their own, i'm not saying drinking or blazing can't be fun, but come on people all the time? geez, get a hobby or something.
what bothers me the most is not only how girls to be getting more & more insecure, but guys seem to be more & more dull. it seems that guys are only good in a large number to hook-up with because they're all the same. i don't care about your body so stop flexing. if you want the truth, i really like squishy guys & i like obnoxious guys & nerds. so if all you guys out there are wondering why you can't get a girlfriend but you can get a piece, it's because you have no depth. no one wants to go out with a rock. "oh man i'm like so totally high right now" or phone calls with "omfg i'm likeeee soooo drunnnnnnk ::slurring of the words::" isn't attractive at all. another thing, what you wear is pointless, that's the woman's job so stop being a capitalist target. & when all of the posers & followers are in their mid 20's with their sex number sky high & they still sleep lonely at night while all the "nice guys" have someone, it's because- simply put- you suck. "& boys like you are a dime a dozen." (oh look at me a used a tbs lyric as a dis! i'm so cool! ::sarcasm::)
honestly, does anyone have any standards anymore?