i fucked up.
i really fucked up.
yet i do this with all guys.
then why does this one hurt so bad?
no it is not dane.
it's this boy who drove 4 hours to see me
and everything was perfect.
but, the next day i did nothing but be a bitch to him
and didn't even realize it till it was too late.
edit:i just talked to him.
i apologized and he said not to worry bout it and blahblah.
too bad im fucking dumb and i know it's too late.
What's your name? frannie.
Birthplace. somewhere in pensylvania. never lived there.
Age. 17.
Current location. right now, in vegas. go to school in los angeles.
Eye color. changes. blue to green to grey.
Hair color. back to my original blonde.
Right, lefty or ambidextrous? righty.
Zodiac sign? capricorn
Height? 5'4 AND A HALF.
w h a t i s / a r e
Words you overuse. d00d.
Phrases you overuse. whats up guy. hahahaha.
Your first thought when you wake up. fuck.
Your greatest accomplishment. repelling down a waterfall. that shit was scary.
Something you want to do. see him.
d o y o u
Smoke. yes.
Cuss. alot.
Sing well. haha. im amazing. haha.
Talk to yourself a lot. sometimes.
Believe in yourself. sometimes. rarely.
Like taking these longass surveys? bored.
Play an instrument. no.
Want to go to college? yee.
Want to get married? yee.
Want to have children? maybe.
Get along with your parents? sometimes.
Get along with your siblings? yee.
Think you're popular? haha. of course. haha.
i n t h e p a s t m o n t h h a v e y o u
Gone out of state. yee.
Drank alcohol. yee.
Smoke. yee.
Get high. no.
Done any drugs. yee.
Been dumped. no.
Dyed your hair. yee.
Stolen anything. maybe.
y o u r f r i e n d s
Craziest. hm. marianne.
Loudest. ashton.
Most shy. lindsay was. iuno anymore.
Blondest. taylor.
Smartest. none. hahaha.
Kindest. dane at times.
Best personality. marianne.
Most talented. uh. prolly marianne or ashton/
Best singer. ashton.
Most ghetto. fuck d00d. me.
Drama Queen. ashton can be haha.
Pain in the ass. ?
The one you just want to strangle to death. iuno.
Funniest. thomASS.
Best person for advice. daniella.
Dependable. marianne.
Trustworthy. marianne.
Druggie. hahahaha. we all know who she is. cept we're not friends anymore.
Most likely to end up in jail. who knows.
t h e l a s t
Last dream. i don't remember.
Last nightmare. not for awhile.
Car ride. last night.
Last time you cried. like 5 minutes ago.
Last movie seen. honey.
Last movie rented. honey at mariannes.
Last word said. tiiight.
Last curse word said. fuck.
Last time you laugh. last night.
Last phone call? kenneth :[
Last CD played. HIM.
Last song you listened to. in joy and sorrow.
Last annoyance. how i was such a fucking bitch.
Last IM. jon.
Last weird encounter. iuno.
Last person you hugged. kenneth. :[
Last person you yelled at. kenneth. :[
Last time you wore a skirt. saturday.
Last time you've been evil. fuck. all of yesterday.
Last time you fought with your parents. a couple days ago.
Last time you wished upon a star. who knows.
Played Truth or Dare. hahaha we play truth at andy's at 4 in the morning.
Spent quality time alone. haha right now?
r a n d o m n e s s
Are you talking to someone on AIM. kindof.
Do you feel lonely. yes.
Ever TP'd someone's house. yee.
How about egging someone's house. yee.
What do you think of George Bush? HAHAHAHA.
Any secret fetishes? duh. hahaha.
How many languages do you speak? uhm a bunch? like 5 maybe?