(no subject)

Apr 24, 2005 15:23

The firsts:
1. First best friend: lauren
2. First car: im workin on gettin one right now
3. First real kiss: chris ebner in 3rd grade
4. First break-up: chirs ebner in 3rd grade
5. First screen name: acmb123
6. First funeral: never been to one
7. First pets: dusty (cat)
8. First piercing: my ears wen i was 6 months old
9. First big trip: all the way up the east coast wen i was like 8
The lasts:
1. Last cigarette: eww
2. Last car ride: today
3. Last kiss: today with my boo oscar lol =)
4. Last good cry: yesterday..i was watchin the notebook
5. Last movie seen in theatres: guess who
6. Last beverage drank: strawberry kiwi twister
7. Last food consumed: turkey sandwiches
8. Last crush: umm..im not a crush kinda girl
9. Last phone call: melissa
10. Last time showered: this morning
11. Last shoes worn: my sandals
1. Who is your best friend?: brittany n nicole
2. Do you have a boyfriend?: yea..my bf oscar
1. Where is your favorite place to shop? wut ever has clothes i like
1. Do you do drugs?: hell na
2. What kind of shampoo do you use?: honey and almond oasis
3. What are you most scared of?: movin away from all my friends
4. What are you listening to right now?: shake it up-pitbull
6. How many buddies are online?:34
7. What would you change about yourself?: my nipple piercing..lol jk
1. Color: red n black
2. Food: zesty chicken border bowl at taco bell
3. Animals: cats n dogs
4. Sports: soccer
Have you ever:
1. Given anyone a bath? yea my little brother
2. Smoked? yea
3. Bungee jumped? nope
4. Made yourself throw up? hell na..who sane does that?
5. Skinny-dipped? oh yes
6. Been in love? i thought i was
7. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble? uhh yeaaa
8. Seen your crush naked? not fully..lol
9. Cried when someone died? of course
10. Lied? wut kinda question is that? everyone has
11. Fallen for your best friend? yea..in like 4th grade
12. Been rejected? maybe once or twice
13. Rejected someone? ooo yes
14. Used someone? no..im not like that
15. Done something you regret? duhhh
1. Clothes? yellow shirt n jeans
2. Music? dammit man-pitbull
3. Make-up? yulp
4. Annoyance? my lil brother
5. Smell? i cant smell ne thin lol
6. Book you're reading? i dont read. its not my thing lol
7. Color of toenails? sparkly
last person you:
1. you touched? my lil brother
2. Hugged? oscar<3333
3. You instant messaged? brittany
4. You kissed? oscar w/ his luscious lips lol
Are you:
1. Understanding? very
2. Open-minded? oh yea
3. Interesting? i think so
4. Hungry? not right now, im full
5. Smart? yes, not veryy tho
6. Moody? once a month.lol thats was wrong lol
7. Hardworking? not so much in skool
8. Organized? im not anal
9. Healthy? i hope so..lol yes i am
10. Shy? sometimes, depends
11. Attractive? i hope so
12. Bored easily? no, i try to make things fun
13. Responsible? yes
14. Hyper? i have my moments
15. Trusting? towards my firends
16. Talkative? if i kno u good
17. Legal? only 16
Whom do you want to:
1. Look like? myself
2. Talk to offline? my friends
3. Talk to online? whoevers online
4. Hang out with? my firends n oscar
Which is better:
1. Coke or Pepsi: they both taste the same to me
2. Flowers or candy: flowers
3. Tall or short: tall n sometimes short
4. Liquor or beer? liquor
1. What do you notice first: theyre face
2. Last person you danced with: melissa on her b-day at the beach lol
3. Who makes you laugh the most? brittany n nick
4. Who makes you smile: Oscar of course =)
5. Who do you have a crush on: ...same person^^^
6. Who has a crush on you: same person^^^
Do you ever:
2. Save conversations: yeaa
3. Wish you were a member of the opposite sex: hell na
4. Wish you were younger: nope
5. Cry because someone said something to you: unfortunatly
1. Of guys I've kissed: 10
2. Of continents I have lived in: 1
3. Of tight friends: all the ones i hang out wit
4. Of CDs I own: i have no idea
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