Konbanwa ^^ I AM BACK! For another lovely entry. I should really write in here more. I love my livejournal o.O. WOOH! Anyways, so i got mail today! I was so happy! It was the flyers I had bought from this girl, last week, i think? Anyways, as soon as I opened it guess what was the first flyer i saw?! AILE!!! I mouth hung open and my eyes got wide. I was like, YES! I have Aile flyer! XD. I was really hoping she would have sent the other one, but one flyer is better than none! She also included Eimy's! and an Ayabie one! and the other bands are bands I like, but those are the ones I was most excited to see ^^.
So, as some of you know, I've started school ^^. It's so awesome. I love my classes. They're all so interesting and I actually pay attention! AND I do homework. Woooh stand back now! Haha ^^. It's awesome. I actually look forward to going ^^. I'm taking Business Math with calculators, College Algebra( and I actually like it this time!), Word Processing, Spreadsheet applications, and Legal Environment ^^. All with great teachers, who are so much fun and funny. They make the class interesting. I really like my College Algebra teacher. She's just so funny XD and she makes the problems interesting and kind of just pop out at you. She's really good ^^. All of them are! I just finished doing my Business Math homework and oiy, my eyes hurtttt, all those digits O.O I suppose I should get use to it though considering my job will primarily consist of them ^^ I can't wait to be an Accountant. I didn't get to take the Accounting 1 class because only 3 people signed up so they dropped it >.>; The guy told me though that they will definitely have it in the spring, so I can't wait for that ^^. Get an insight view on what I'm going to be doing!
I've also put blonde streaks in my hair. Well, blonde, orange, and light brown XD. Mom washed the highlighting stuff out sooner than it should have been, and so chya I got a mixture of colors, but surprisingly, it came out looking maji sugoii ^^. I have these 3 sort of thickish blonde streaks on the right side of my head, and it looks so cool! Oh chya ^^.
Ahh I've also learned many japanese words! My sentence structure sucks though -_-. I'm working on it though! My friend Yassie and me were talking in it the other night, and I kept having to ask her questions XD She didn't mind though ^^ (Yassie if you read this, GET ON YAHOO OR SOMETHIN! Or I'll spam your profile o.O) But ahh, I just need to stay on top of it, dedicated, and I will get there ^^ I was really surprised when I was watching Aile's DVD the other day, because I understood a bit of what they were saying! Everytime they'd say a word I recognized I'd like stop and think and go, AHH I KNO WHAT THAT MEANS!!! Ya, Spazzo o.O XD.
Ahh, I'm major bumming over Aile though, Sai and Yue decided to leave x.x I loved those guys so much... I really hope they at least stay in the music place, you know? I don't understand why they wanted to go, they seemed so happy there =/ ah well, I'll just have to live off my memories... Same with Ryouhei of Ayabie, but I know at least he's pursuing a solo career so I'm not so bummed about him ^^ I bet he'll do great at it too. I just might buy the first CD XD with my obsessive self o.O. I'm so broke right now though it's not even funny... I'm debating on whether to get Aile's Photobook, or their Parting Feather CD+DVD. Decisions decisions... I'll probably end up talking myself out of both XD I need a job, I say that a lot... BUT ITS TRUE!!!
Well, as basic tradition, I shall add some pictures to this post ^^ and In honor/memory of Yue and Sai, I shall post a picture of both of them ^^ I'm GONNA MISS YOU GUYS!!! These pictures are from their new photobook ^^ (MUST GET x.x) I forgot who scanned them, but when I find the name I shall credit ^^