Oct 08, 2008 11:50
...taken off the ultralist...
"sometimes our perspective in life is just like our perspective in an ultra.
along the way we encounter many difficulties,
and many chances to become discouraged.
we can become focused on nausea, economic disturbances,
getting off course, blisters, injustices, bad weather, soreness,
fatigue, setbacks, malaise, etc.
all the problems that seem to fill up the immediate now.
it can be so easy to dwell on the bad things
and feel like we are getting nowhere.
but every so often we come to a high point,
and with perfect clarity can see how far we have come,
and how beautiful the place is where we are at.
and then we realize that it is precisely the difficulties that made it all worthwhile.
it is always our own choice, in an ultra or in our life,
to bemoan what is wrong or to revel in what is right.