Leh<3's Mdi

May 27, 2006 16:40

I miss Sable&&Tiffany so much just thought I would let yall know that:)

Well I found out two days ago that I have to get braces June 15 I also have to get like 4 teeth pulled it kinda sucks because i thought all this time i could just get invisaline or however you spell that but the orthodonist said i would have to get braces so i think im just gonna get the clear kind with the metal thingy across them i have my spacers in now they hurt like a bitch && advil in stuff doesn't help all that good!!!!!

Not to minch that i have to go to basketball camp 3 days after i get my braces on .. it kinda sucks i almost cried when he said i would have to have them on for 2 years there goes pageants in everything for me..My senior pictures are going to be alfull but oh well it has to be done i hope i don't look that different!

Softball: Wow i never knew we would make it this far Regionals are next week im sooo nervous we played GC's asses of for the LPD thing they ended up beating us 2-1 in the 7th inning .. from a VERY BAD CALL from the ump but w/e*we got jewed!
I hope that we play good against Haysi they have a pretty good team so who knows what will happen there!!

Type your cut contents here.

Me Catchin:)GC game!

Me batting:)

Me & Morgan better then we could ever be i have been seeing him alot lately we spent almost all day yesterday together after practice and today i got to see him before practice he went to kingsport with his mom but i do get to see him tomarrow .. Im so glad that its summer though High school is wayyyyyy overrated it sucks I hope next year is a little better then this past year was .. but im SURE it will be!!!

I really don't have much more to talk about! so i think ima go eat some ice cream since i can't bite down on anything else!!!!!

BB && MD
I Love you:)
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