Mar 05, 2008 00:12
i have realized that i need to be more honest with people. to be transparent, to be willing to put myself out there to the people i love and trust. because if i allow my fear of the possibility of rejection to control me, the possibility that i might let everyone see that i don't have it all together, then my faith means nothing because i fail to truly believe that God's grace is enough for me, and i have been paying lip service to a God i've never known.
this year, i have become very familiar with failure. the harder i try to stand on my own, the more it seems the ground beneath me is shaking. and maybe that's because we're not meant, or able, to stand on our own. i'm not thankful that i'm sucking at life currently, but i am thankful that my sucking at life is teaching me about mercy and grace, about what it means to really need a Savior. it's easy to say that God's grace is for everyone when the one who needs it most is nothing like yourself, but lately the least of these is looking a lot like me.
and ultimately, that is where my hope lies. that i am fallen, utterly incapable of ever being good enough to measure up, and that Christ came for people just like me; that i am a child of "the God who gives life to the dead and calls things that are not as though they were."