Jul 19, 2007 03:51
In like 17 minutes it will be alexis's birthday!!!!!!! Yayayay lol. Were making a cake right now but it won't be done for another like 15 mins. My summers been pretty good so far.. It needs to be better though. Senior week was...... haha it was amazing. I just can't believe I'm done! I just got a new job as a chiroprater assistant in aston, so bye bye H&I. I'm going to be really upset to leave, but I need a more better steady job to lead me in the future lol. I haven't been to the beach much though this summer, and once ig et my new schedule ill be going to the beach everytime I can. I have some crazy mosquito bites that might be poison ivy hahaah. I got another tatto, which I like alottt. Its on my foot, and its a lot bigger than what I wanted, but I'm extremely pleased on the way it turned out. It hurt like a crazy bitch though, haha. Besides work, hanging out with friends, that's basically all my summers been. I need to get out, do some crazy fun stuff. We'll see..