May 15, 2005 02:05
Everything written first is from Amy everything written second is from Laura
Name: amy and laura
Height: 5’2” and 5’4.5”
Shoe Size: 7, 7/8
Hair Color: brown, and brown (interchangeable!)
Siblings: Adam, Lindsey and Russel
Eyes: Hazel and Black/Brown
College: Eventually?
Jr. High: Ponaganset
Hometown: Chepachet, and Foster
Favorite Place: Bowdish Lake Campground, ECC
Favorite Soda: Dr Pepper for both of us! (interchangeable!)
Favorite Food: Lobster! Laura cant decide
Favorite Book: Dreamland, This Lullaby (almost interchangeable!)
Favorite Car: Hummer, 68 Pink Mustang
Favorite Show: Alias (interchangeable!)
Favorite Dog: MYWEINERDOG! Tea Cup Poodle
Favorite Sport: Baseball (watching it) and softball (playing it)
Favorite Alcohol: Umm…were underage and wouldn’t dream of breaking the law
Favorite Fruit: Orange, Mango
Ketchup or Salsa: Ketchup, and Salsa
Favorite Milkshake: Vanilla and Coffee
Favorite Color: Black, and Fuscia
Favorite Weather: Thunderstorm, Sun showers
Favorite State: umm…RI? And ME
Do you Have a Crush on Someone: Unfortunately…and yes
Wish You Could Live Somewhere Else?: sometimes…europe
Think About Suicide: FOR THE LAST TIME I AM NOT SUICIDAL! And no
Believe in Online Dating: whatever works
Like Roller Coasters?: LOVE EM, and HELLZ YEA
Write in Cursive or Print?: Mixture (interchangeable!)
Last Talked To: Laura Ducharme, Amy Croft (if you haven’t noticed…we are at the same residence)
Last Thought Of: secret! Not rly I just don’t feel like thinking
Last Showered : this morning and 6:30pm today
Last Cut Your Nails: wait…fingers or toes? Finger I don’t cause Im growin em toes yesterday! Laura doesn’t have nails (they break)
Last Hugged a Tree: never, and she figuratively hugs trees everyday
Last Prayed: actually like an hour ago…and last night
Ever Cried Over a Boy: unfortunately, and also unfortunately (interchangeable!)
Ever Been in a Fist Fight: no and no (interchangeable!)
Ever Been Arrested: Nope! (interchangeable!)
Ever Had a Friend Die: Yes and Yes (interchangeable!)
Ever Dated a Cousin: ok first of all ewwwww…and again…ewwwww
Ever French Kissed: no, and yes
Ever Had Sex: no and no
Ever Gotten Beat Up: hell no I would so kick their ass! And hell no amy would so kick their ass!
Ever Hated Someone: not sure…hates not the word laura hates that word
Ever Made a Huge Mistake: yes and yes
Ever Jogged a Mile: hahaha yea in 6 minutes cause I didn’t realize I could walk if I needed too…then they had to take me to the hospital…I was 8! And yes for laura
Ever had Feelings for Someone Young: nope and nope guys our own age are immature why would we sink lower
Shoes do you wear: sandles…and kswiss
Are you scared of: being buried alive…small spaces…getting hurt……and white vans with no windows for laura, and chainsaws, and clowns…damnit get me my bubble!
Do you sleep in: lounge pants and a tank, and sleep pants and a tank or t
Did you eat for lunch: never do, and gross mcdonalds food
Is love: I think that love is different for everyone who experiences it…and knowing the soul and loving every corner of it no matter how dark it is
Of times I have had my heart broken: ive been hurt (many times) but I don’t think my heart is broken yet…cracked…but not shattered yet…(interchangeable!)
Of hearts I've broken: 1, hmm lets count laura’s band whores…takin off the shoes…no but seriously prolly not theyre all jerks
Of boys I've kissed: 1, and laura doesn’t wanna say…(yes the number is that large and she doesn’t have enough appendages)
Of drugs I've taken: none cept those administered to me in a hospital! And…1
Of accidents I've been in: 2, 1
Of people I've broken up with: 1, like a million…I cant take the smell of her feet anymore!
DO YOU (are you)....
Think you're pretty: not particularly, and depends on whos judging
Funny: laura thinks im a funny person so I guess so, and lauras pretty funny as well I suppose
Hott: oh baby were on fire in here
Ugly: only once a month
Loveable: of course (ditto)
Caring: Yessum x2
Dorky: absolutely x2
Girly: absolutely x2
Boyish: no, and a little
Smart: (and talented!) honors and chamber! Yeaya (interchangeable!)
Pimp: wtf? We frown upon prostitution
God: No we are definitely not God
Five letter word: were not sure its friggin 2 in the morning give us a break!
Candy: rock candy, pop rocks
Cereal: I DESPISE CEREAL, and cocoa krispies in the afternoon
Chewing gum: I like Orbitz…and she likes Dentyne shit
Day of the week: Friday, and Wednesday
Least fav. day: Wednesday, and Tuesdays
Jello flavor: I don’t eat things that jiggle and she likes jello pudding (buttascotch)
summer/winter: summer even tho mon anniversaire est dans l’hiver! And winter for laura
trampolines or swimming pool: trampolines and then jumping into the pool (interchangeable)
Slept in your bed: umm me…and her (in her own bed) (interchangeable!)
Saw you cry: laura and pete and Me for Laura (we watched a sad movie)
Made you cry: ***** and then myself and laura made herself cry (we cry when were sad)
You went to the movies with: some kid, and her parents
Yelled at you: adam the tv was 2 loud…and amy…I wouldn’t stop singing while she was on the phone
Sent you an email: maria, and joe
Said, "I love you," and meant it: yes, and yes (interchangeable!)
Gone out in public in your pajamas: out to the mailbox, and this morning to pitching practice.
Kept a secret from everyone: yes, yes
Cried during a movie: omg yea, and like an hour ago lol
Ever at any time owned Spice Girls CD: no, and no (interchangeable!)
Been on stage: Yes loads of times, and yes (interchangeable!)
Been to New York: YEA ON THAT DAMN BUS
Been to California: when we graduate
Been to Florida: 3rd grade, and last year
Hawaii: unfortunately not x2
China: no I don’t want any drops of water hitting my forehead in spastic intervals! X2
Canada: nope and nope
Europe: want to, and nope
What time is it now?: friggin 1:55 am
Apples or bananas: apples x2
Blue or red: Blue x2
Walmart or target: they both suck, and target
Spring or fall: I like both, and fall
What are you gunna do after this: prolly sleep!?
What was the last meal you ate: I had a steak quisadia at Newport creamery with ma mere and laura had chicken from mcdonalds…sucker
Last noise you heard: music and music whoa it’s the same music!
Last time you went out of state: chorus trip x2…we went to deliland
Do you believe in love at first site: ehh it could happen x2
Do you want children one day: yea , and absolutely
Criminal record: nope and nope but she broke a window at school (trouble maker)
So you speak any other languages: learnin French Je n’est pas parle francais!
Name some of your favorite things in your bedroom: bed, bureau, desk, chair, bedside table, giant frog from matt…pictures…yea
Piercings and where: ears…ears…
Worst feeling in the world: laura thinks liking someone who likes you back but refuses to do anything about it because of stupid reasons and then likes someone else…amy agrees she supposes
Who you love: closest friends, family, and no one else at the moment…oh and mine and lauras upcommin neice/nephew
Nicknames: u cant give AMY a nickname! ITS ONLY ONE SYLLABLE PETE! Sweaty wacka numba 4 and Douche…douchei…law breakin laura…sweaty wacka numba three, douche bag…ya amy was typing that… her official new nickname is Bitch off the old block!
Initials: aec and lcd (LEAST COMMON DENOMINATOR) (I amy croft came up with that)
How old do you look: Ive gotten many different responses to that … latest was a junior and ditto for douche
How old do you act: depends on the mood and amount of sleep…or sugar…ditto
glasses/contacts: neither, and neither
braces: nope and lauras getting em!
do you have any pets: I have a dog who laura gave a concussion to! And laura has a cat
you get embarressed: easily…and depends on situation
what upsets you: people who don’t care about life or what happens to them or other people