In Which I Put Something In This Journal

Sep 29, 2008 11:01

It goes LIKE SO. You comment here and ASK A QUESTION it can be anything CFUD related, OOC, IC, Relationship, psychology, thoughts, whatever. I.E. My character's opinion of your character or maybe what you have been wondering about this behavior or that, or general thoughts on my characters or canons or what, who I might consider raping you into ( Read more... )

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adawningoath September 29 2008, 22:24:02 UTC
If Zidane HAD TO PICK NO REALLY HAD TO one crazy camp thing to happe to him or one of his friends, what would he be most okay with having happen?


get_sometail September 29 2008, 22:29:58 UTC
It's not a deep burning desire or anything, but Zidane thinks he'd make a really hot chick! But it's not happening until LJ ups the icon limit

What would Riku's reaction to Disneyland be? Or well, your closest Disney theme park of choice. I've only ever been to the original one in Anaheim.


adawningoath September 29 2008, 22:41:47 UTC
His mind would kind of... bend in ways it's not supposed to and he'd have to go lie down away from the park somewhere and process it, but eventually he'd rationalize it as DIFFERENT WORLDS, LOL, WHO KNOWS and would go enjoy himself and privately laugh his ass off at the costumes. And he'd go see the shows like the fireworks shows and Fantasmic and the parades and Dream Along with Mickey and NO I JUST GOT SOMETHING IN MY EYE, SHUT UP SORA :< He'd also love the thrill rides like Expedition Everest and Rock'n Rollercoaster and Test Track (and is my huge Disney World bias showing yet) and Soarin', though that's not really a thrill ride.

How much attention does Zidane pay to his tail when he's washing/grooming? Like does he bother shampooing/brushing the fur?


get_sometail September 29 2008, 22:49:15 UTC
Normally, he doesn't pay too much attention to it; it's kinda like remembering to wash your feet. Sure he suds up around the base and stuff, but he rarely bothers to get the whole thing. His fur is pretty short, so there's no real need to brush it.


If he was, say, gearing up for a really big date? He'd shampoo AND condition it AND brush it and TAKE FOREVER IN THE BATHROOM.

Riku's favorite world?


adawningoath September 29 2008, 23:05:25 UTC
s-so cute Zidane.

Favorite world... among ALL worlds that he's EVER been to? Destiny Islands. After losing it and nearly losing himself and his friends and seeing a whole bunch of other worlds, he's come to really appreciate and love his home in a way he hadn't before; and now that it's not the prison it used to be, he's much more at home.

If we're talking about favorite worlds he's visited, though, that's a little tougher. I think, though he wouldn't necessarily admit to it and it's bound up with a lot of pain and shame, he has a certain fondness for the grandeur and loneliness of Hollow Bastion.

Zidane's thoughts on the cabin/cabinmates?


get_sometail September 29 2008, 23:24:50 UTC
We ttly need to do a moving-in post.

Since he's already friends with Sora, Riku, and Roxas he thinks it's really cool to be moving in with them and as much as he likes the Crypt Cabin's really really nice to not have to live with bugs anymore.

But most of all HE'S LIVING WITH DAGGER OMG OMG OMG. It's like old times when they'd sleep at the same Inn and stuff. He doesn't really know how stuff is going to work when he gets back to Alexandria--but right now he can appreciate the time he has with her and not worry about the whole princess/peasant thing.

I hope you guys don't mind him playing bad loud music on his laptop every once in a while.

God since I seem to be stuck on Disney Parks, Riku's thoughts on Fantasmic (lololol Maleficent)


adawningoath September 30 2008, 00:31:17 UTC
It'd be kind of healing, really - seriously, SOULPING LIKE WHOA with the dreams and triumphing over evil by force of will and MICKEY VANQUISHING THE DARKNESS. He'd think it was cheesy in a lot of places and not get the point of a lot of the filler, but in the end he'd walk away going ";_; ♥" to himself.

... leaving class will edit with question later OKAY HOME uh. Where does Zidane see himself in ten years?


get_sometail September 30 2008, 02:21:36 UTC
....I wanna take Riku to Disneyland sobad.

Camp seems to keep bringing up the subject of settling down, so it's not like Zidane hasn't thought about it. He just won't really admit that out loud unless pressed hard. But in those moments when he does let his mind wander, he really does want to marry Dagger in a few years and have a gaggle of kids. Aside from that he has no idea what he'll be doing, but his thoughts in the 'career' side are "idk maybe acting?" He's been chasing after where he came from so long that he doesn't really know how to plan out where he's going...but then what 16 year old does?

So on this subject, Riku is ttly invited to Zidane's wacky crossover wedding. What antics ensue?


adawningoath September 30 2008, 02:31:54 UTC
... will their kids have little summoner horns and monkey tails please say yes

Uhhhhh. WELL DEPENDS ON WHO ELSE IS INVITED I think Riku would behave himself v. well at a wedding! possibly he might underestimate the potency of Alexandrian alcohol as compared to what he'd drink at home and if so Zidane would have a VERY HAPPY, VERY TALKATIVE, FALLING-OVER-HIMSELF GUEST to contend with but aside from that I have no idea XD I don't think Riku would start anything wacky.

THROWING YOU FOR A LOOP!!!! what is Lina's favorite color


get_sometail September 30 2008, 02:42:22 UTC
Yes. Yes they will. And they'll be spoiled as all hell and Steiner's worst nightmare.

Right now I think the crossover list includes the cast of FF7, FF10, and KH.

Lina's favorite color is red! It's vibrant and loud and reminds her of both meat and fire.

Okay what are your thoughts on this crazy Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep thing?


adawningoath September 30 2008, 02:49:01 UTC
muahahaha XDD

Birth By Sleep! Okay. I am seriously excited for it. I want to see how Mickey figures in, how Terra becomes Xehanort like he's definitely going to, what the hell is up with Ven, what the hell is up with Baldsem... Seriously, I am hella excited. AURORA'S WORLD FUCK YEAH. I'm a little worried about how it might affect the way I see some of the themes and tropes of the original game, but basically EXCITED.

Your thoughts on Dissidia.


get_sometail September 30 2008, 03:29:23 UTC
Well, I'm not as excited about it now as I was when Zidane was announced. I mean yaaaay massive Final Fantasy crossover yaaay Zidane actually showing up, but I have serious fears about the game and for the fandom. I'm a huge fandom snob, so like I turn my nose down at Smash Brothers fanfiction. I turn my nose down at people who play Smash Brothers characters but have not played the game they originally appeared in.

And uh, sorry Riku the Dissidia team is made of the KH team and being overseen by Nomura and I DO NOT TRUST THEM WITH OLD SCHOOL CHARACTERS. And Zidane is like, honorary Old School :(.

Although I like that he pals around with Firion and Tidus. It could be cute and fun if I don't pay attention to the fandom. Or the game's "plot."

I-I'm in it for the pretty screenshots at this point.

What sold you on Kingdom Hearts?


adawningoath September 30 2008, 03:51:21 UTC
XDD Well here's hoping it turns out okay, at least.

Oh, hmmmmm. That's an interesting story, actually, because I really did need to be sold on it. My first reaction when I heard Square was making a game with Disney - this is verbatim - was "No! Squaresoft has sold its soul! D:" I was picturing some kind of cutesy kiddie adventure game like a watered-down Final Fantasy with Disney shopkeepers or something, I dunno. It only got worse when I found out Sora would be going to various Disney worlds to battle the "Heartless" - it honestly sounded horrible and gimmicky and OH GOD, HEARTLESS? SERIOUSLY? WHAT ARE WE NOW, MOTHERFUCKING CARE BEARS? SQUARESOFT, WHYYYYYYYY.

Then the screenshots started breaking, and I kind of had to admit Yuffie and Cloud and "Leon" looked pretty cool, and I started figuring, okay. I'll probably get this game because I am a hooker for Square, but it will be ONLY for the FF characters. I can always return it if it turns out to be TERRIBLE ( ... )


get_sometail September 30 2008, 04:05:46 UTC
S-sob I so old. I remember when GIA announced KH and everybody was all "...omg I want kiddie!Kefka to show up" and we were all SHOCKED AND DISAPPOINTED WHEN THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN.

My favorite Oldschool FF character is Celes Chere. She's my favorite Final Fantasy character ever because I identify hard with her whole struggle of "well my cold as ice badass persona just crumbled, what the hell do I do now?" I get her where I don't get Terra. It's interesting to see how people fall on the Terra vs. Celes divide: I got angry at Terra for taking in orphans and refusing to fight, but I only liked Celes more for the suicide attempt. But then that's because maternal instinct is so incredibly foreign to me. Now that I'm older and wiser (and have played the new translation), I don't hate Terra anymore. But I still adore Celes for her downfall and for how she manages to pick herself back up...even though she's not wholly perfect about it ( ... )


adawningoath September 30 2008, 04:19:36 UTC
That reminds me, I need to get you on AIM or something. And huh, interesting - I always liked Celes more myself, but I could see where Terra was coming from with the orphans. I DON'T LIKE KIDS BUT PERHAPS MY MATERNAL INSTINCTS ARE HONED FROM A LIFETIME OF HAVING CATS

...o lol UH SEE hilariously for a while before KH2 stuff started breaking I was tossing a fanfic idea around in my head where Sora went to OLDSCHOOL FF WORLD and met VIVI AND ZIDANE and THOUGHT VIVI WAS A HEARTLESS and Zidane was STUNNED BY KEYBLADE! and they were part of the RESISTANCE and LOCKE WAS WORKING WITH THEM and somewhere involved in all this Faris and Setzer were SEXY RIVAL SKY PIRATES!!!1 so uh basically my thoughts are yes please


this_is_theway September 30 2008, 04:24:23 UTC
I'm slightly better now?? I am cool with kids, and babies don't actually scare me anymore but hell if I'll take care of one.

I don't do AIM these days, but you can get me on gchat at boomtoday at gmail dot com. I've been staying off it the last few days or so but provided my connection isn't being too much of a pill I'll pop on tomorrow after work.

....Man that is so my vision of how an awesome FF crossover would go. Also baaawwww want Vivi in Camp baaawwww that thread where Zidane told Sora that he probably wouldn't get to meet Vivi because of his lifespan made me all wibbly. BAAWWW BAAAWW BAAAAWW


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