Sep 21, 2008 13:43
I love you, you love me I wish we could be a happy family.
Each (-) belongs to one person NOBODY is repeated.
I've just been bottling a lot of this up, so here it is:
-Your the best friend I've ever had, and I love the fact that we are so different but I don't like the way people look at us when we hangout. Mainly because I know everyone is looking at you thinking why in the world are you hanging out with her? Because you'll always be the skinner one, the prettier one, the one who everyone wishes they could be.
-I'd really appreciate if you'd except the fact that I have someone in my life, and respect me enough to stop trying to have sex with me and then having the gaul to tell me it's because you genuinely like me as a person. NEWSFLASH you don't even know me. And the only reason you want to get to know me is because you want me to open my legs to you. It's never going to happen.
-I think you're really fucking fake, and I really hope that one day you stop trying to be me and start to be yourself.
-I'm so inlove with you, and I'd give anything to say it without feeling stupid or scared.
-You keep asking me what's wrong? and why have things changed? and even after I tell you the truth, you do NOTHING about it. So why should I make the effort to open up to you if your going to keep ignoring the obvious.
-I really wish you both would stop pushing me away. You two have been my world since I was 4 and I wish you weren't so embarrassed of me. I wish both of you felt like you could talk to me. It hurts me a lot more then you will ever know.
-You havn't wanted to be in my life since I laid in a crib, so why are you so hurt by the fact that I want nothing to do with you now? Your so set on letting your wife make choices for you ... so she made the choice, and now you've lost me. It deffinatley feels werid to say this, and I'm sure that I'm wrong in saying this but I don't think I'll cry at your funeral.
-BFFL for life! I'm so proud to say that I'm your daughter. You are the only person that I know who has come from absolutley nothing and made somthing of yourself. You went from living on doorsteps, and park benches to owning your own home, and supporting your family honestly. I don't know what I'm going to do when you die.
-I really wish you'd just accept me, and stop trying to change me.
-I really wish you'd stop drinking. Your liver is going to give out soon and I'm not sure how I'll handle myself when it finally does.
-You should stop pretending that you were born with money, you weren't and you are forgetting where you came from. Money doesn't buy family, spending time together does.
... Yeah, I feel a little bit better.