Oct 03, 2005 21:39
i dont even care. so tasha called me and called me today and i had brenton answer and say i wasnt home and my mom overheard and got all pissed. she was like
"we cant afford you kids anymore. if you quit babysitting, you dont get a car."
and my dad says "we can take that dress right back and you wont go"
so pretty awesome i have to buy absolutely everything from now on. awesome my brother got a car for free and i have to buy my own. awesome i had to buy my own food tonight and then my mom bought food for everyone.
i cant fucking live on watching a 2 year old cry and drool and stick fingers in yogurt and sneeze and snot go everywhere and have her stick her hands all in it for $3 dollars an hour.
so i told tasha i couldnt come today and she goes "well you told me you could" how about i told you SATURDAY that i'de CALL YOU BACK SUNDAY AND TELL YOU WHAT I COULD DO AND I NEVER CALLED YOU BACK SO SHUT UP.
So i got a couple applications and i hope for the life of me that i get one of them so i can say
"I'm not available to babysit for you anymore because I GOT A JOB"
Rory said he would pay me to say "i'm busy for the rest of my life, dont call me" and hang up.
so I cant go to homecoming because i dont have money. and well, obviously my mom cant give me any.
hey mom, how about you get a job you idiot
I hope my mom feels like a big brown steaming pile of SHIT after i tell her i cant go to homecoming because i dont have any money. im looking forward to that big time
After the tasha thing my mom got all nice
"Well honey how about you just choose 2 days a week you can go and blah blah blah..." dont talk to me because i strongly disrespect you right now stupid face.