im bored...

Aug 23, 2004 21:02

x. name = Ashley
x. birthday = 11/16
x. piercings = 4 on ears and belly button
x. tattoos = none!
x. height = 5'7
x. shoe size = 9-10
x. hair color = dirty blonde
x. length = past shoulder
x. siblings = only child
x. pets = 2 dogs and a bird

x. movie you rented = *dicky roberts former child star!*
x. movie you bought = i dont remember umm like 8 mile 2 years ago?
x. song you listened to = umm at dance the dance mix thing
x. song you've downloaded = umm something yesterday
x. song that was stuck in your head = i like that (our sweet dance)
x. cd you bought = umm long time ago... britney spears? umm i got 2 cds becky burned for me
x. person you've called = jamie!
x. person that's called you = suzy!
x. tv show you've watched = umm the news before i went to practice, and the news just a glace just a min ago.
x. you have a bf or gf = nope
x. you have a crush on someone = yes
x. you wish you could live somewhere else = umm in a way
x. you think about suicide = umm yea...
x. you believe in online dating = lol no
x. others find you attractive = i dont know u ask them! prob not...
x. you want more piercings = not that i can think of
x. you want more tattoos = no i dont think so
x. you drink = no, but have i yes.. but no
x. you do drugs = hell no
x. you smoke = nope but i have...
x. you like cleaning = umm no
x. you like roller coasters = hell yea! weeeeee!
x. you write in cursive or print = both!
x. you carry a donor card = umm no...
x. you have a secret that no one knows about = who dosnt!
x. you have your own phone line = umm kinda... but i dont use it... and i have a cell phone
x. you talk to yourself = umm no
x. you like morning or night better = night im a night person! party!
x. you consider yourself a good friend = yes
x. you like the country or the city = i love the city... but country is nice for vacations
x. you like surprises = yea depends what it is
x. you like being single = it has pros and cons

for or against..
x. long distance relationships = depends on the situation
x. using someone = against
x. suicide = against
x. killing people = against
x. teenage smoking = umm kinda against... but w.e
x. doing drugs = idk...
x. driving drunk = against
x. premarital sex = against... but idk
x. gay/lesbian relationships = against!
x. soap operas = for!!
x. cheating on someone = against!

x. ice cream flavor = Death by chocolate!
x. gum = umm any kinda
x. tv show = Real World
x. thing in the world = idk...
x. thing to collect = umm idk
x. colours of all time = pink, black, blue, red, green, yellow.
x. things to do on a rainy day = hang out
x. food = strawberries, watermelon, grapes!
x. song = too many favorites
x. thing to do = dance, sing, perform, hang out.
x. thing to talk about = idk w.e
x. sports = volly ball beach
x. drinks = strawberry daqurie

x. clothes = umm mine?
x. picture = the ones of friends and me and idk
x. movie = creul intentions, and leagally blonde 1 and 2!
x. band = i like to many!
x. holiday = christmas, easter, thanksgiving, new year, and 4th of july!
x. car = umm mustange, escallade, anything to get me around 2! lol

have you...
x. ever cried over a boy = yes...
x. ever lied to someone = duh who hasnt
x. ever been lied to = yea...
x. ever been in a fist fight = yea kinda lol
x. ever thought about committing suicide = umm kinda thought bout it but no its stupid
x. ever committed a crime = umm yea... lol
x. ever been arrested = nope
x. ever been caught doing something you weren’t supposed to be doing = umm yea...
x. ever been jealous of someone = who hasnt!
x. ever been in detention = yea!
x. ever cheated on someone = nope!

x. shampoo you use = pantine, matrix, sometimes fruites, whatever is good!
x. cologne do you use = umm i use perfume, and i use love spell, and Fcuk!
x. shoes do you wear = the ones on my feet.
x. is the first thing you notice about someone = there eyes, the way they dress...
x. do you want to be when you grow up = a person!
x. time do you usually get up = umm usually late, but when schools in 6:00ish.
x. time you usually go to bed = umm usually late again but during school 10:30-11
x. is you’re best friends name = i have too many! lol
x. is on the walls of your room = light blue
x. are you scared of = everything... lol
x. is your favorite word to say = to many words
x. is your favorite phrase to say = umm...
x. are you doing right now = what the hell it look like im doing!
x. what song are you listening to = not listening to a song
x. what are you wearing = my WM gym shorts and a shirt

x. of times I have been in love? = do i count
x. of times I have had my heart broken? = tooo many!
x. of hearts I have broken? = idk
x. of girls I have kissed? = NONE!
x. of boys I have kissed? = i dont kiss and tell
x. of girls slept with? = umm slep in the same bed... idk my friends...
x. of continents I have lived in? = 1 that i know of
x. of drugs taken illegally? = 000
x. of people I would classify as true friends? = do i count!
x. of people I consider my enemies? = umm i dont count nor do i care...
x. of people from secondary school that I stayed in contact with? = 1 lmao!
x. of people from secondary school I plan to stay in contact with? = 1
x. of cd's that I own? = to many!
x. of times my name appeared in the newspaper? = umm probably none
x. of scars on my body? = who really counts
x. of things in my past that I regret? = alot!

within the last 24 hours, have you?
x. had a serious talk = sure!
x. hugged someone = yes!
x. gotten along well with your parents = yes its there anniversary and my grandparents!
x. fought with a friend = umm no
x. watched the sunset = kinda? but no
x. went swimming = no too cold
x. danced = umm yea... i kinda had dance practice!
x. sang a song = yea in the shower like hour ago
x. told someone you loved them = yes my grandparents just 1 min ago and my parents
x. wished you told someone you loved them = umm nooo i just tell them!

do you like to?.
x. give hugs = sure!
x. give back rubs = yes everyone says i should be a massasge person!
x. get dressed up = yea lol
x. take walks in the rain = sounds fun!
x. meet new people = sure hwy not!
x. stay up late = love too! thats when its fun!
x. talk on the phone = sometimes
x. say goodbye = no one likes to say goodbye!
x. go to school = not really

in the last month have/did you?.
x. drink = no
x. smoke = no
x. have sex = umm yea... NO!
x. made out = i dont kiss and tell!
x. go on a date = no
x. go to the movies = yes
x. go to the mall = yes
x. realized you hadn't talked to someone you wish you had = YES!
x. been on stage = umm no but i should have!
x. been dumped = noo
x. had someone be unfaithful to you = nooo
x. watched The Smurfs = noo
x. hiked a mountain = nooo
x. been in love = noo i wouldnt call it love...
x. been grounded = nope

more stuff?
x. are you popular =
x. are you pretty =
x. when's the last time you cried =
x. are you a mommas boy/daddys girl =
x. bad habits =
x. What is one thing you wished that you’d have done =
x. Fetishes =

x. cold or hot = Hot!
x. lace or satan = satan
x. blue or red = right now red!
x. new or old = new
x. give or receive = receive jk give
x. wool or cotton = cotton wool is itchy
x. rose or daisy = rose
x. Private school or public school = PUBLIC been to privit it sucks!
x. Chocolate milk or plain milk = chocolate!!!
x. Celsius or Fahrenheit = Fahrenheit
x. Spring or Autumn = Spring!
x. Inny or outty = inny!!!
x. Now or then = now!
x. English or Maths = both!
x. Self-stick or lick = lick! well if were talkin envolopes and stamps then self-stick
x. Cursive or print = both
x. Paranoid or Cautious = cautious
x. Heights or Crowds = croweds
x. Half full or half-empty = half full
x. Top or bottom = lmao! umm... hmm... top
x. Speeding or running red lights = speeding!
x. Gold or silver = GOIN FOR THE GOLD! but to wear silver.
x. Talker or listener = Both
x. Snore or talk = talk!
x. Jammies or naked = jammies
x. phone or AIM = phone
x. book or magazine = magazine... book... both!
x. dog or cat = doggy!
x. rain or snow = rain!

i dont want to update yet... so i will later...
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