Feb 06, 2005 03:51
I'll try to update again as soon as I can, but I really don't know when my internet will be bak up and running at home. I'm at Jason's for the night, and am taking full advantage of his internet during this time, hehe. Now, I can FINALLY update this thing after taking three, that's right, THREE whole hours to read the 180 most recent friends entries, which dated bak to only January 23rd!! My net's been down longer than that, but it wouldn't let me go bak any further.. haha. Oh well.
In any case, my life is going really great. I got a job almost a month ago at the Holiday Inn, thanx to Sam (thanx Sam), and mom gave me another month's leeway on paying mt car insurance. Speaking of my car, it's had its ups and downs this last month (Audrey, Dan, Jason and Erika, y'all know better than anyone, lol), but thanx to that wonderfully splendid father of mine, it is running smooth as ever right now! YAY DAD!!
Alicia and I have been together over a month now, and we're doing marvelously. I couldn't be happier! I love you, rabbit!!
As far as skool goes, I'm doing mucho better this semester than last. Since I failed Spanish III last semester, I'm taking an 8th hour at options, and I really don't mind it at all. I actually am able to focus there really easily, and the work is a breeze. I also love how my skool day starts out. My first hour is "Survival Skills", and our teacher told us on the first day that we're guaranteed to pass the class. She doesn't take attendance, and won't mark you absent or tardy, whether you show up half-way through class, or not at all. She lets us do homework for other classes, take a nap, socialize, whatever! We make breakfast every other Friday, and have MAYBE 1 assignment every week or two, each of which thus far have taken about half of an entire class period. I love it!
I bought a double-dvd pack at Meijer today for $20. I could've gone without it, but I couldn't help myself. "Dawn of the Dead" and "Shaun of the Dead" are now mine. BWAHAHAHAHA!!! I also got part of Alicia's Valentine's Day gift. But I dare not speak what it is, for she may read this! *GASP* Lol, I'm such a loser. *smile*
It was nice to get online tonight for the first time in weeks. I got to read those many, MANY friend updates. I sorted through all the e-mail I'd received. I chatted with Meggy, Maygin, Renee, Gisell, a little with Josh, and some with David (even though I see him at skool all the time) and Erika (when she was in the next room, haha). It's great! I hope my internet comes bak soon. It'd be helpful for keeping in contact, as well as for Senior Trans. Oooh... I need to finish my timeline and article for that, now that I think about it.. Hehe.. oops! I'll get on that right when I get home later. =P
Kristin, I totally hope we can hang out sometime. We had that one thing all planned out, it got scrapped, and my net went down so we couldn't exactly re-schedule. Lemme know when you're free next, and hopefully we can do something! By the way, I know your birthday is this month, I just can't remember when.. so HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! (belated or early!) (by the way.. was it on the 5th?)
Katertot and Tommy P, I'm visiting your asses again. When? I dunno. But I miss you both and plus, I'd once again be doing my part to help you see each other. =) My only problem is that I only work weekends at my job, so it could be difficult to plan for. It doesn't mean I won't try!
Josh, I was expecting to see you at that January birthday shindig last week, but you never showed! Oh well, some other time, I s'pose. ;)
Maygin, you don't have to wait till I'm online if you wanna talk or vent or anything. Remember, you (and anyone else for that matter) can call me anytime you feel like for whatever reason. If you don't have my number, lemme know and I'll give it to you somewhere other than a journal that's accessible to everyone in the world. Anyway, I'm glad I was able to listen tonight. =)
This entry turned out longer than I expected, but shorter than it could have been, hehe. That's all for now, as I bid you all adieu.