Nov 28, 2004 22:49
Thanksgiving break has been long, but short. It definately seemed longer than a normal weekend, but it only felt like 2 or 3 days. Kuz y'know... normal weekends just feel like a day or so... Anyway, yea. Skool starts again tomorrow, and I'm already counting down to Christmas break. 3 skool weeks left! Huzzah!
Although I dearly loved my Silent Bob icon here on my LJ account, I felt it was time for a change. This new icon featuring a bunny and a pancake is dedicated to Alicia. She knows why, haha.
I had more fun last night than I have in who knows how long. Emily came and picked me up to go check out the job opening at the caféin town, but also went around to other places before and after. We went to Best Buy to check if they had a cd that she wanted...Drive Like Jehu, I think it was. They didn't have it, but she got a Bright Eyes single anyway. Then we went to the Thunderbird (the café) and talked about this kid we knew named Paul, trying to figure him out. His three names are from different ethnicities, none of which match what he looks like. It's great. So hopefully I'll get a call from the T-bird in a couple days. It'd be a nice place to work. Anyway, we then ventured to Meijer to get food for Em with the money her dad gave her, even though she didn't feel like getting food. She ended up getting cookie dough (which we ate in the car), bananbas (which kept reminding me of that damn Gwen song), cheese slices, and some other stuff I don't remember. By the way, I have something to say to everyone: DON'T TOUCH THAT!! That's not yours!! Hahaha, that girls rox my face off.
So yea... there are a couple other things I'd like to say in here, but I will not until a later date, and if I deem it neccessary. Later all.
By the way... did you know that rich people can afford to buy enhanced organs?