We Know Of An Ancient Radiation

Nov 02, 2005 14:54

I have been extremly disconnected. I push the backspace key the most.
Random thought: Why am I letting everything go. I know things need to be done, and I get mad when they are left uncomplete. Yet I continue to watch everything in motion, and I make no attempt to move. I wonder what will be in 6 months. It is disapointing to feel as if I have achieved nothing in the 12 years that I have been getting an education for the life I will one day live. But now the life I was sure to live no longer exists. The events that have occured have made things difficult and may have even sabotaged(spelling?) the events and scenarios to one day occur. But, not all has been stolen or destroyed. There are the few exceptions that have kept everything together. I have to to work or something.

more later. It seems like I have sat here for longer than I thought and things have been left unfinished. For now this is all.
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