Picspam: Happy Birthday Ohkura! [Ryo/Ohkura version]

May 16, 2008 00:08

Another Happy Birthday picspam for Okura! :X !

This version is Ohkura and Ryo. :D There are about 181 pictures. I will keep posting picspams and fic all weekend because I have more than I thought. ;D


None of these are my own scans. When I know the scanner, its in the picture description. If any of these caps or scans are yours, PLEASE let me know!!! I found them randomly and mostly didn't save sources if it wasn't the scanner. Sorry :( If you want me to credit you, PLEASE. I'd love to!!!! *_* I appreciate all the work of scanners and cappers and collectors who are awesome and share. *_* Here are as many of the sources I can remember: snowqueenofhoth for her TORN paparazzi scans, satellite16 for all of her amazing scan/pic spam posts she's done of Ohkura, kanjani8, VENDY who sldkfj is amazing, Hadako forum, boys_paper, boku_nari_no, god and various other ljs and forums. PLEASE PLEASE let me know if some of these are your so I can give you the credit you deserve!!!!!!!! THANK YOU ALL for sharing everything and for making this fandom amazing! ♥

Happy birthday, Ohkura. I hope your 23rd birthday is amazing and filled with family and friends and happiness and hope and fun and you enjoy yourself. ;P I wish you happiness and fulfillment in life AND ONE DAY I WANT TO SEE YOU GUYS LIVE IS THAT OK? IF I TAKE YOU AWAY ITS OK. I'M NICE AND KIND AND I CAN COOK. ;P OKAY? ♥

ohkura/ryo, birthday picspam, happy birthday okura!, ohkura, ryo/ohkura, birthday

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