Jun 07, 2011 22:44
i may not use this much but i do need to vent.
Ugh parents really get me down at times. According to them I have had an 'easy' life and don't know how 'lucky' i am. Yes personally being bullied for the majority of my younger life was really lucky and easy. What they don't realise is when you're going on holiday in wales and the rest of your friends spain it makes you weird. When you don't have 't new clothes but charity shop clothes it doesn't make you cool.you couldnt afford to go into town with your friends at a weekend because you only got £5 a month. You had to apply to grants to go on the school trip because your parents couldn't afford to pay - yes it really doesn't make you popular and kids are after all extremely cruel.
I've had my fair share of shit jobs, mcdonalds, cleaning at the Notts arena, selling mobile phone contracts, having to work 70 hours a week during holidays at uni starting at 9 finishing at 6 rarely having a lunch break and starting at the pub at 7 and not finishing till 3 and doing it all over again the next day.
So basically my brother told my dad he's got depression and been off the last 6 weeks with it. My dad was like wellthats what working 12 hours a day in a factory will do to you. I replied its probably more to do with the problems he has had with his mother (life time history and not very nice - she abandened him at 14 and left him to fend for himself) and he went off on when saying how lucky i was that i didnt have ashit job and i enjoyed my job - yeah i do for the part but my god it is stressful and tiring - having to read 12 thousand word contracts understand them and have a response in 4 hours is damn hard work. So it isnt working in a factory packing boxes but it is stressful. The annoying thing is he chose to do the job purely because its well paid. Basically when i said well my job is stressful i was basically told i was stupid and that i needed to work a real job.
I mentioned the only way he was going to get better was via counselling which isn't an unknown fact - you need to get to the route cause of the problem to be able to manage it
i do apologise because this is pretty disjointed and i wanted to yell but thought i would do this instead. Parents do not listen fact and it really annoys me - i wasnt comparing the two jobs but i do not like being told i know nothing about life - my parents only know about things like factory work so how can they judge what i do ugh it just winds me up