I saw Hanson last night and the whole experience reminded me why it is fantastic to be alive and HERE, NOW, instead of mentally and emotionally absent.
Lately, I've just been feeling very...well, checked out is the best way I can describe it. Since the end of summer, I've just been going about my business with little to no emotional/mental attachment to my classes, friends, things I used to like doing, like my writing. In short, I was (still am?) slightly depressed. But it isn't a sad, mopey depression. It was a just...not caring at all kind of thing. It was a marked lack-of-feeling.
Anyway, I went to this concert with my old friend, Leann, whom I've known since I was in the 2nd grade. It was just a breath of fresh air, quite literally. Even though there were annoying drunk girls running around and the placed was packed with people, I just felt right. Better than I had felt in a good month or so. I was reminded just how much I actually like Hanson. I know it sounds silly, but I've been wondering if I like Hanson only because it's habit for me to like them. But no. It was FUN. I was EXCITED. I was HAPPY to see them. I screamed and clapped and sang along and when I laid my head down to sleep last night, I could hear a ringing in my ear that only comes after a good, long, loud concert. It was evidence that I got up and did something that day. I experienced a Hanson concert. And it was fun.
A musical word about the opening acts:
Everybody Else, a pop-rock trio from California was AWESOME. They were very happy and good looking. Being here at Otterbein, where the male-to-female ratio is 30/70, I don't see many men. Or at least many men I'm attracted to. They're all buttoned up and sporty and clean. These guys looked like indie musicians which was just like GUH. HOT. This was also a plesant surprise because I was wondering if I had gone completely asexual since I just haven't seen ANYONE I've been attracted to in a good...probably 4 months. Sad. But they're music is also awesome, fun, happy, hand-clappy and kind of a throw back to the 60s. If you like Rooney, you'll like this band. As I was leaving the venue, the lead singer was walking beside me. I stopped him by touching his elbow and said "Hey, I really liked your set." He said "Hey, thanks a lot. You were a fun crowd." and touched the small of my back. HBSUFIGBISFBDSFSD. BOY TOUCHING ME. God, I'm so pathetic.
The Veronicas also opened. I don't have much good to say about them. They were kind of annoying. I mean, their music is happy and dancey and hand-clappy. But just kind of...I don't know. I just can't handle them, for whatever reason. Also, their stage presence was kind of blah. I've been trying to think why I am so adverse to them, because you would think I would like them. Two girls playing power-pop music. Okay. Sure. Sounds good on paper. But after their first song, I just wanted them to stop. The most amusing part of their set was their drummer who would toss his sticks high in the air and catch them right in time to hit a cymbal or a downbeat or something. Impressive!
Another word about Hanson: they are all married, and have been for about a year or more. Fans should be over it by now. But anyway, it was the end of the show, there was a loud girl shouting "WHY ARE YOU MARRIED?" Okay, yeah, ha-ha funny. But they are also married with BABIES. Why can't people just be happy for them? It's kind of pathetic. Anyway, Taylor goes "You know what, you have problems." And I was like, yeah, Taylor, you're right. Especially since 90% of Hanson fans are NUTS. Leann picked up our tickets at the venue since she lives, like three blocks away. She got them a two days before the show and she saw people camped out in front of the venue. She asked them if they were waiting for the Matthew Nathansen show that was that night and they said "Nope, we're here for Hanson." Oh GOD. I guess if that's what they want to do with their lives.
In other news, just to make this post EVEN LONGER, I kind of want an Emily Dickinson dress. Log white lace, plz.