(no subject)

Jun 18, 2008 23:44

it's been a while. frankly, i'm not sure why i still bother to use this thing. mainly out of boredom, and because i love being articulate and writing. what i really should do is focus on writing a book, because that is my dream. i just have so many different directions i would like to take it. maybe ill try writing more than one piece. or maybe a compilation of short stories. i am just too scared of having my writing being rejected by editors and publishers. id really rather be an editor than an author anyways. i just dont know what to major in. i like education; i do believe i would make a great teacher since i have a huge passion for changing and impacting and educating other people's lives. i just get nervous when i hear my sister in law, who is a teacher, talk about how terrible her first year teaching was. and now she doesn't want to go back. i think i should change my major to english or creative writing or journalism, or possibly psychology, or maybe even economics or history, and just getting a teaching certification after i receive a college diploma. thats what both my brother and my sister in law did, and it was so easy for them. who knows. at least ill have a degree in something other than education if teaching turns out to be the nightmare im horribly afraid it might be. i guess i still have a little bit of time to try to sort all of this out. i just want to live in NYC and write for a killer magazine or newspaper or something. but i am not a risk taker. i like to play things safe, so ill probably just end up being a stupid high school teacher trying to make a difference that never gets anywhere because these upcoming generations care less and less about learning and education than the previous. oh well.

i truly believe i was born in the wrong era. i want to go to simpler times. i wish i lived in the past, which is why i think i have such a huge fascination for history. i love reading. i love reading about real events that took place long before i was ever even thought of. i just want to go back in time where there were no cars, no mall kidnappings, no grocery store rapings, no high school/college campus shootings, no terrorists. i want to live in the days where women wore corsets and were "courted" (not "played"). i want to cook dinner for my husband who works all day and look after my children and watch them grow up. i want to live for myself and for my loved ones. i want to be able to enjoy time with the people i care about instead of having to try to keep up with the hectic world. i hate the society that has become "american." i hate this country. it is so hard to be proud to be an american when america just seems to be one giant mess. we are in sooo much debt to china, one day china will take us over probably. we are going so horribly downhill. no presidental candidate is ever a GOOD one. its always the lesser of the 2 evils. al gore losing the presidency was the worst thing that has ever happened to this country, in addition to the raising gas prices. and just the overall preoccupations of all americans. who has the bigger paycheck, the nicer car, the bigger diamond ring, the nicest house, the most expensive desinger clothes and handbags. what has our world come to? we are more fascinated by jessica simpson being dumped by tony roma, or britney spears and her horrific escapades and for god's sake, if i have to hear the name "miley cirus" or "the jonas brothers" ONE MORE TIME i will go insane. why cant we all just live for ourselves? i am so sick of everything that america is. this is disgusting. where our pro football players get paid more than the doctors that save people's lives, or the professors who teach the doctors how to save lives!! this is all just so fucking backwards. i hate everything. people care more about the color of their hair, or how expensive their fucking shoes cost than they do about the important things in life that really fucking matter.

i am just so disgusted with things. i mean, i graduated high school with a fucking 5.5 GPA, top 7% of my class, i have almost a completed associates degree from one of the best universities in the state, i am an honors student at florida state university, HONORS!! where you need a 1300 min SAT score and a 3.9 unweighted GPA MINIMUM!!! and yet, out of the 57348957 job applications i have turned in, i haven't gotten a SINGLE call back. i am more qualified than the fucking jose rodriguez who can't speak a damn word of english. i am more qualified than the stupid 14 year olds working the cash registers at publix. and although what i'm saying contradicts the americans with disablities act, FOR GODS SAKE there is something wrong when someone as qualified and intelligent and motivated as myself can not get a job before a fucking retard. im sorry for saying that, but its true and i am very frustrated with this town. i just need a lot of money for my rent next year. i am a poor fucking college student and i cant get hired anywhere. i am going to start saying that i am bilingual on all of my applications. maybe then i will get a fucking call back. i wish my parents would move out of south florida and go somewhere where more than 40% of the population speaks english.

and another thing. i am sick of watching the news and see every fucking spanish person that is interviewed have to be translated. THIS IS AMERICA. learn to speak the fucking native language or get the fuck out. at least make a god damn attempt. i dont go over to your countries and make everyone learn english FOR ME. i know this sounds like i am attacking spanish people, i really am not. i have plenty of hispanic friends, hell i even dated a spanish guy and went and visited two spanish speaking countries (dominican republic and colombia) for god's sakes. i have nothing against spanish people, i am just sick that south florida, a state of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, has white people as a minority. im sorry, but this is america. seriously. i am so sick of being looked down upon because i dont speak spanish. last time i checked, the national language was fucking english. people look at me like im retarded because i dont understand when someone speaks spanish to me. i dont think spanish people would like it if only english speaking people went to their countries and refused to try to assimilate in their countries culture. if you are so god damn proud of your heritage, go back to where you came from. if you aren't proud to be part of the american culture, why are you still here? no one is keeping you in this country. as a matter of fact, our borders need to be more secure anyways. but these arent even the main problems. i just want to know how someone who doesnt speak a WORD of english can survive in this country. if i wasnt with a spanish person when i was in a spanish country, i woulda never made it out alive. so why is it that everyone caters to everyone else here? like how do you go about shopping, or paying taxes, or paying bills, and all of the normal stuff you have to do if you can't read/speak/understand english? i love watching tru tv and the speeders show. but seriously, i dont understand how a person who doesnt speak one word of english can survive when they get pulled over by the cops and have to communicate with a cop who guess what... doesnt speak your language.

anyways, this summer is going by way too slow. i really regret not taking any summer classes. i miss tallahassee more than anything. i miss my boyfriend. i just cant wait to graduate and move to ny. then my life can begin and my dream will officially have came true.

ok. i am done venting for now. i just cant wait to go back to tallahassee, where at least some of the town has to have a brain, otherwise they wouldnt have been admitted to fsu in the first place.
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