Jan 06, 2006 10:19
so i'm in astronomy again. and me & lauren are hardcore sneaky. thats cuz we're going down and we're going down together. today blows. it's mine & nate's 3 month and i haven't even seen him yet. and i think he's going to bingo with mark tonite? alright sweet. happy anniversary to me. happy..haha..yeah right. this is gay. and i hate being pissed at him cuz i really love him but i cant help but get mad. we def dont hang out as much as we used to and now we're not even hanging out on out anniversary. we can't do anything tomorrow either cuz he's working all night and i doubt we'll do anything sunday. ugh. i wish it was october again. it was so much easier to just see eachother everyday. it sucks now. i got so used to being with him every day and now its just weird hardly seeing him outside of school. alright im done with that i dont wanna think about it anymore. urrrghhhhh im so frustrated today. i dont even know what else to write so im outta here.