Mar 25, 2005 18:57
This entry is for cory...
last night we were talking on the phone and it began good and then turned into a kind of agravating convo in one of those moods and again ur not home for me to talk to u so u cant just read not exactually used to haveing someone because i choose not to. ive had alot of people who were close to me and ive lost all of them because of my mistakes. and i guess i was just holding back because i dont want to loose u? im not exactally sure. but because of my mistakes i have lost trust in everyone and its not that i dont trust u but i dont really dont like opening up to people. i dont like talking about things that have happend to me. and i dont really no.. i mean i want to tell u things but for some reason i just cant...ur probubly thinking what the hell y cant u? its complicated. now i appreseate all of the things u do for me. i mean i havent felt so wanted? or special in a long time and it just kind of scared me?
i dont no but i do no that u do mean alot to me and i havent been happy in so long. u are an amazing person and im sorry if i have ever made u feel less than amazing.
<3(arrow, three)
thank you