Goals for 2015

Jan 02, 2015 08:14

Now these (the goals) are different from New Year's resolutions! I don't particularly like New Year's resolutions though I do delight in starting things at the starts of a week/month/year or on significant dates.


* All hobbies, really, but if you get enough of them it starts to feel a lot like 'work'.

Manage this better. I'm a procrastinator and so, so easily distracted. If I keep on top of things there's not too much work and all my 'work' is stuff I enjoy, so my goal is to stop letting things slide (which is sucking the enjoyment out of perfectly manageable jobs).

P.S. Keeping the LJ up-to-date is included as one of those things I want to manage better. I like my LJ. My husband keeps a diary (has done since 1966) and for me the LJ is my diary-with-photos.


Do the exercises the physio keeps giving me. Honestly, they can't do any good if I don't do them. (Hard to believe I actually need to write that down.)

Lose 20kg. For the first time ever the doctor didn't talk about 'ideal weight' and stuff like that; he said 20kg would make a huge difference and 20kg seems a really achievable loss! So there's another goal for 2015.


Now 2014 really was the year of regular exercise for me for possibly the first time in my life. I walked every* day. In 2015 I not only want to keep that up but add in regular swimming (tried this in the last few months of 2014) and add cycling (have borrowed a bike and will go when the wind stops) and try Tai Chi. Tai Chi was on my list of goals a couple of years ago but no excuses accepted for not getting into it this year!

One specific goal for my walking is to walk down the bridle track all the way to my brother's place. That's 5.3km.

* Every day means not on the torrential-downpour-with-wind days. I don't have wet weather gear. Light rain or heavy rain without wind (umbrella weather) was still walking weather in 2014.

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I've been retired 13 years now and looking back I can't quite figure out what I've got to show for those years. I know I'm luckier than many people in having this free time earlier in my life than most but every now and then I do feel like I'm squandering it. Will give that some thought this year.

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