To phd or not to phd?

Jun 26, 2010 12:01

Hey lumpage, timhsvwalkinsha and anyone else who knows anything about postgrad. If I do a phd, will it be as stressful as honours? Because I'm finding this pretty stressful, I would feel much more comfortable doing research if I had time to do so. Now I have to squeeze it in between assignments, and I don't even have a full year to do it, it's more like a few months. It's not that much fun. But I think a phd will be different?

I've said it before but I envy people who know what they want to do. There's another honours student in my lab at uni and he knows that he definitely wants to do a phd. He's been talking about it for ages. He even knows his topic, he plans to start over the summer break. I don't know. I also don't know if I want to spend another 3-4 years around the same people. With this supervisor? I don't know. I've had a supervisor in the past whom I liked more, but her topics aren't at all what I'd like to work on..

I'm going to do a phd application in August, anyway.. probably to a few different universities. I've looked around at research groups in Australia but nothing realllyyy interests me. Things interest me more than others, of course. I don't know..
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