Feb 16, 2008 13:19
i ate pretty decently last week but didn't work out at all. lame. even though there's a brand new tube on the bike it's flat again so have to buy another new pump, because travis broke our brand new one, before i can use it again. ninety bucks and i still haven't gotten to use it.
i've been feeling really gross and huge and bloated the past couple of days. last night sitting on the floor at ashley's i felt like flub was squishing out out everywhere. i should really get serious at some point.
just went to the 'biggest loser' website and says my ideal body weight is 91-123 pounds and that i should be on a 1,200 calorie diet. but i knew all that already and it'll cost me $20 a month to find out anything else. weak.
i only weight ten pounds less than i do now in high school so just ten-fifteen pounds would make me feel a million times better. i know that isn't difficult to do it's just a matter of not being lazy. guess i'm gonna fix the bike today. again.