Title: Something Beautiful and New
Pairing: Tonks/Cho/Ginny
Rating: R
Disclaimer: HP is not mine.
Note: Also posted at
Theme: Kisses
Summary: No matter what happens, Ginny, Tonks and Cho know that there is one act that they can lose themselves and each other in, and find redemption from.
Ginny kissed like she fucked; purposefully, as if she was weaving magic with her fingers and her body and her tongue. She kissed like she was raising Hell. She kissed with everything in it, like there was no tomorrow, like she was dying.
Tonks kissed ambiguously; sometimes she led, sometimes she followed, no one knew which it would be or why or how it was determined. She kissed like she was dancing. She kissed bossily, like she was justifying her decisions, like she was verifying her existence.
Cho kissed like a woman; full, warm lips on bare skin beneath freshly washed white, cotton sheets. She kissed like she was eating cotton candy. She kissed without hesitation, like she could read the future, like she was living.
Together, they kissed like all the flavors of ice cream in the world, and all the colors of the rainbow painted across the blue sky after a light rain. But when they lay hot and broken on their bed, flesh against flesh, warm bellies against warm breasts, nothing mattered. Not the differences in the way they made love, nor the fights they had gotten into during the past week; not the pot of burned spaghetti soaking in the kitchen sink, nor the shameless way that Ginny had stayed out at the bars on Tonks's birthday, smoking and getting drunk until someone called Cho at midnight to come and fetch her.
As they kissed one another, all ill-will and animosity faded away into the mute background and gave way to something beautiful and new.