Sogyo no Kotowari
- Average katana length
- Octagonal, wide crossguard
- Red hiltwrap
- Command: "All waves, rise now and become my shield! Lightning, strike now and become my sword!"
- Appearance: A second blade splits from the first, creating a dual-sword zanpakutou. The two swords are long and thin, and secondary blades jut out and point back toward the hilt about halfway up the main blades' lengths. The two swords are connected by a long, rope-like cord decorated by five metallic rectangles hanging off it.
- Abilities (copied from various Bleach games)
* Standard lightning bolts fired from swords
* Super-charging balls or streams of water with electricity to create beam-like energy
* Balls of energy can be used to redirect beams fired into them
* By setting beams to fire between one ball to the next in a closed loop, can create deadly battleground traps
* By creating a master ball, all other balls will fire beams toward it. The master ball can be moved about freely
* Generate a reiatsu-charged drop of water on the tip of a blade to allow to drop to the ground for more attacks. This water is set up to dissipate only over time, and is effectively infinite while in use.
* The water will grab at and try to engulf any opponent that steps in it
* Blasts of water can erupt from the ground, knocking an enemy about. These can either be directed at an enemy with precision, or go out in concentric rings from a central point.
* By directly feeding reiatsu into the puddle, a tidal wave can be created. This wave can persist as long as Ukitake is willing to keep the reiatsu stream up