Jan 09, 2009 15:58
This is not what we needed right now. Specifically, not what I needed right now.
Two thousand and fourteen messages since my announcement yesterday. Thankfully, most I've read are supportive, but the rest run the gamut of being uncomfortable with the Vaizard around to calling for their immediate execution to calling for my execution. I've forward some of the more threatening ones to be traced if possible, but this is just disconcerting. Over a thousand still to go, and there's more coming in.
[Private to Shunsui]
I think I need a brief break once the taishu proceedings are complete. I've looked it up, and believe it or not, there is precedence for the soutaichou going to the living realm, as long as it's for Shinigami-related business. Visiting Nobuu would certainly count, wouldn't you say?
on a personal note