Those Garlands

Jan 31, 2007 01:04

I had a dream about her. Last night. In Color.

As if I was on a mission to get to some place. The location was hilly, possibly san-francisco Hilly, but it wasn't San Francisco. It was mid-day, closer to noon. I had traveled WEST by foot in the city, to a somewhat adobe church. From there, I went down hill and crossed a busy intersection. She was there. In business attire, with her red hair. I ignored her, and continued up the hill. She stopped, I stoped, and it was of course the awkward moment. She talked to me. She was dressed in blue, maybe a blue trench-coat. and she was carying papers...

And I awoke with these images that have plaqued today. Apart of me wishes I didn't wake up. The other half, wonders what it all means, of anything.

kara, dream

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