
Nov 17, 2005 10:50

So far this week I have:

*been stressed beyond belief. This is the worst semester ever. I can't seem to want to get anything done. But, it will get done. It has to, right?

*Thought I had a test yesterday but it's actually tomorrow. More time to study!

*Took time to go to the Prism planning session but only half the board showed up so we couldn't actually hold a meeting. It was fantastic!

*Went to Busters Tuesday night, got drunk and proceeded to try and help Jenny Mann with gender studies. Oops. I realized that I can't study for stats OR deal with anything conceptual while tipsy. Hell, I could barely read.

*Did nothing productive last night except cough (which made my head hurt every time) and try and do research on a topic that has no information (why am I not surprised!?)

*Did a presentation on transphobia. I think it went well. :-D

*Got into a pseudo fight with one Feminst Theory professor. She sucks.


*Get to watch movie clips in Qual Research Methods to learn how to code. I'm bringing the movie Showgirls! I hope no one minds (that movie is genius)

*Girl's night, most likely... unless someone punks out again. Regardless, I'm sure a movie with be watched after the OC.

*LAUNDRY, which I should be doing now but I don't have enough quarters. So, I shall do laundry for free later, hopefully.

*study for the test that's ACTUALLY tomorrow. I think it'll be ok though. I've done most of this shit before. Yay stats.

I think that's it. It's been a long semester and I need my Thanksgiving break like whoa.
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