Wow. Read that shit in two days.
So, what can I say about Twilight? Well, for one thing, it's entertaining. Probably because the language is so smooth and easy to get into. And the description of Bella's crush/obsession with Edward is very life-like. What I don't get is how the hell Edward fell in love with B so fast? (I dislike the name Bella for some reason. It's so...for the lack of a better term...Mary Sue. But it's probably better than Skye Jade or something like that.) The way he ended up liking her was really quick, and I didn't really see a natural process to it. Even when he explained it later on. I guess you can say I'm not convinced when they throw out the L word at each other, and I probably need to re-read it. And the plot with James hunting B went way too fast. I wish there was more action somehow, like B having close calls with James and stuff...though I doubt she'd survive. But I have faith in Jasper and Alice, who are my favourite. Anyway, it's a good book for the bored. To me it's mediocre plot-wise, but I did find myself very dazzled. =D Young forbidden vampire love has that effect on me.
Hm. I'm not sure if I want to read the rest of the series, though. The next one looks depressing as hell. But if I get really intrigued then I'll probably pick up a copy.
Hm. Now I need something else to do. Will someone please recommend some good books that I can read? One with easy diction, maybe? Haha, idk, I've grown dumber over the past year, having no need to use much of my reading skills, and most often when I read a book I have to have the dictionary beside me. I had to look up "chagrin" ten million times today, since for the life of me I can't remember what it means. What does it mean again? Haha. =D But yes, I'd like my boredom to be cured through the means of literature!