Apr 17, 2004 23:17
it is, no doubt a fantastic feeling. I stared at my hand for like twenty minutes just now. cool ain't it? drunkenness i mean not my hand even though i find it kinda interesting myself.
it opens so many doors into your head that are otherwise closed by reason, embarressment and fear. unfortunately you have to be the right kinda person to truly enjoy bein drunk otherwise you can just fuck it all up! lol you gotta have the right kinda brain for it i guess. i seen some ppl who really cant deal with an expanded conciousness. im not talkin about anything extreme like psychotropic and hallucenogenic drugs. just the right amount of alchohol can wipe away just the right amount of inhibitions to make everyone more pleasant to be around. Unfortunately not everyone knows when to stop drinking and can cock it up. I made that mistake once. i managed to break my hand and tyhat hurt like a bastard let my tell you. My 5th metatarsal the bone: in your hand right above your little finger (or your "pinkie" if your american) small bone. massive pain! i was on some very cool painkillers for like a month. anyway i got more drinkin to do. kate if your out there: try it you'll love it. lol cya round people.