So, hey, ficlets!

Jun 12, 2009 11:52

I had serious writer's block issues the other day and asked for prompts. Several kind souls obliged and were rewarded with comment ficlets ranging from the ridiculous to the downright pornographic.

I'm too lazy to paste, but here they are linked for your convenience and mine.

waqaychay got Jeeves and Bertie talking to River aboard Serenity. Jeeves & Wooster/Firefly crossover! Bertie/Jeeves, G.

monisharobot got Peter Kingdom getting a boyfriend... well, sort of. Kingdom, Peter/unnamed OMC. Again with the damn G rating. Maybe PG just because of Beatrice. :P Allusions to Series 3 events, but no bluntly stated spoilers.

random_nexus got Jeeves and Ianto Jeeves & Wooster/Torchwood crossover. Ianto/Jeeves, PG-13.

rodlox got Sulu and Toshiko on a blind date Torchwood/Star Trek crossover. Gen. I envisioned this as the reboot!verse but can be read as either.

seularen got " Bertie and Jim keep getting accidentally engaged to aliens; Jeeves and McCoy have to constantly rescue them and patch them up." Jeeves & Wooster/ ST:XI crossover; Kirk/McCoy, Bertie/Jeeves. Rated C for CRACK.

and chaoschick13 got PIANO SEX, DAMMIT. Bertie/Jeeves, rated SMUTTY SMUTTY SMUT.

Do I get some kind of award for most crossovers in a single post?

Right, perhaps I should actually go work now.

jeeves and wooster, firefly, torchwood, star trek, crossover, kingdom, ianto/jeeves, fic, kirk/mccoy

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