Giant fic masterlist thing of doom.

Mar 07, 2015 20:05

Because all the cool kids are doing it. Most links go to lj posts but some go to AO3. Fandoms listed starting with the most recent, mostly. Please heed warnings etc once you click the links.



I'll Buy You Tall Tall Trees and All the Waters in the Seas - PG, Emmanuel/Daphne, Dean/Castiel, ~5500 words. 7x17 coda/missing bits/SPOILERS. He doesn't feel chosen or gifted, and he doesn't remember.

Crossroads State - R, Dean/Castiel AU, 50,000+ words. Castiel has a nice predictable structured life teaching high school, even if he happens to be overqualified for it. Then this guy moves in around the corner and literally knocks him on his ass.

They Say the Highway is for Lovers - PG, Dean/Castiel AU, ~4900 words. Of all the hotels in Lookout Valley, Dean walked into his.

Check the Mirrors and Reverse - G, Sam & Dean gen, ~1400 words. Raleigh, NC, 1995. Sam makes a friend and learns a couple of things.

The Walking Dead
Tomorrow is a Long Way Down - R, ~14,000 words, Daryl/Glenn. Glenn and Daryl and a motorcycle and an abandoned motel and some history and some futures. May contain spam and crossbows.

What Else - G, Daryl & Carol gen, 591 words. 2x06 coda because I needed closure. Daryl does what he needs to do.

Nathan Barley

How to Plan Your Funeral - PG-13, Dan/Jones, 4,414 words. (For Yuletide 2011) Dan Ashcroft vs. 2011.

Landscape With Bastard Roses - R, Claire/Jones, ~3600 words. One possible summer after a fall.

- (Peace and) Fucking Off - PG, Jones & Pingu gen or pre-slash, 645 words. Prompt: "Please make something nice happen to Pingu."
-And the maybe-possibly-not-really-sequel Believe - Dan/Jones/Pingu, NC-17, ~3200 words. Pingu leaves the Trashbat party with Jones and...
- Flux - PG, Jones/Pingu (ish), Dan/Jones (ish), ~950 words. Nathan Barley's about to have the worst gig of his life, but this isn't really about that. (Sequel to Flux, if Flux happened.)

Roadtripverse (link goes to masterpost) - Dan/Jones, overall rating NC-17 (but generally more R-ish), total word count ~19,000 in 10 fics.

The Mystery Writer - Dan/Jones, Bernard/Manny pre-slash maybe, Dan/Bernard bromance, PG, 1215 words. It was the strangest friendship Manny had ever seen. (Nathan Barley/Black Books crossover)

Living Conditions - Dan/Jones, NC-17, 1459 words. Jones has nipple rings. Filth ensues.

When the Whistle Blows - (Fast Fuse!Mint Royale crossover), Dan/Neil!Jones, ~1600 words. Companion to thickets' Stolen Hearts, Vintage Souls in an AU of eggnogged's Fast Fuse universe (check out fast_fuse_fic too!)

Wrecking Ball - (Nathan Barley/Sweet crossover), Pete/Dan and Dan/Jones, R, 4262 words. Sequel to the_reverand's Public Pervert. Everyone finds out.

One Night at the Onion - (Mighty Boosh crossover), Ned/Vince, NC-17, 1538 words. Ned walks into a bar that Vince is also in.

A Hypothesis of Flight - Dan/Jones, PG-13, 5266 words. lgbtfest 2010 prompt: The incident with the builder and subsequent article force Dan to come to terms with his own sexuality. It’s a topic that has plagued him for most of his life, and he has continually repressed with alcohol and general cynicism. He decides to finally confide his confusion in Jones, who has always been open about his own bisexuality. Could potentially lead to them questioning the true nature of their current relationship, or simply be written as Jones acting as a mentor of sorts.

Wagers - Dan/Jones, PG, 200 words. The one with the coin-flipping and the Kinder egg.

Shelter - Claire & Jones (Dan/Jones ish), PG, 200 words. The one with the rainstorm and the posh cake.

Smoke and Mirrors - (Mighty Boosh crossover) - Dan/Jones and Vince/Howard mainly, PG-13, ~12,000 words. Paths cross, lips do stuff to other lips, feelings are felt, music is made. May contain chavs, made-up publications, a fully intact fourth wall, and peer pressure from Naboo. May not contain Bollo, who would nevertheless like you to know that Sugar Ape was named after him.

The Caustic Ticking of the Clock - Dan/Jones, PG, 777 words. The one with the hospital room.

Transmission - Dan/Jones implied, Troll, 200 words. Jones spills his guts to his hairdresser.

Review - Gen-ish, PG, 200 words. Dan reviews a Boosh gig. (Mighty Boosh/Nathan Barley crossover)

House of Ghosts Dan/Jones, G, 200 words. Weird existential piney-Jonesy thing.

The Mighty Boosh

Jeeves and the Dalston Detour (link goes to AO3) - Howard/Vince, Bertie/Jeeves, G, ~4400 words. That one time when Jeeves and Bertie were inexplicably in the 21st century and hung out in the Nabootique. (Mighty Boosh/Jeeves & Wooster crossover)

Smoke and Mirrors - (Nathan Barley crossover) - Dan/Jones and Vince/Howard mainly, PG-13, ~12,000 words. Paths cross, lips do stuff to other lips, feelings are felt, music is made. May contain chavs, made-up publications, a fully intact fourth wall, and peer pressure from Naboo. May not contain Bollo, who would nevertheless like you to know that Sugar Ape was named after him.

One Night at the Onion - (Nathan Barley crossover), Ned/Vince, NC-17, 1538 words. Ned walks into a bar that Vince is also in.

Jeeves and the Dalston Detour (link goes to AO3) - Howard/Vince, Bertie/Jeeves, G, ~4400 words. That one time when Jeeves and Bertie were inexplicably in the 21st century and hung out in the Nabootique. (Mighty Boosh/Jeeves & Wooster crossover)

Revisionist History - Vince & Howard however you wanna take it, G, 100 words. How they didn't meet and did.

The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Moon Howard/Vince-ish, PG, 200 words. The one where I attempt to justify the show's continuity.

Review - Gen-ish, PG, 200 words. Dan reviews a Boosh gig. (Mighty Boosh/Nathan Barley crossover)

Jeeves & Wooster

Jeeves and the Dalston Detour (link goes to AO3) - Howard/Vince, Bertie/Jeeves, G, ~4400 words. That one time when Jeeves and Bertie were inexplicably in the 21st century and hung out in the Nabootique. (Mighty Boosh/Jeeves & Wooster crossover)

Random single-sentence fics. IDEK, whatever. Buncha stuff, some Jeeves/Bertie, some Bertie/other ish.

Blue Wool - Jeeves/Bertie, G, 1725 words. Scarves, coldness, driving, wacky cousins.

A Star in Paris - Jeeves/Bertie, G, 1766 words. The Christmassy one in Paris in the future with the accordion.

A Decent Proposal - Jeeves/Bertie, R, ~2800 words. The one with the legal declarations and something about a beach?

Eulalie and the Kitten - Madeline/Spode, PG, ~900 words. The cracky one with the Eulalie lingerie.

The Ghosts of Brinkley Court [or on AO3] - Jeeves/Bertie, PG, 9546 words. Bertie gets a nasty scare that has more behind it than he could have imagined.

Far More Than Flowers - Jeeves/Bertie pre-slash, G, ~2200 words. The one with Jeeves's relatives and an Oscar Wilde fairytale. (It's less interesting than it sounds.)

Mornington Crescent - gen-ish, G, ~2400 words. The madcap chase in the Underground thing.

Remembrance Sunday (When You Sleep You Remind Me of the Dead) [or on AO3] - Jeeves & Bertie gen-ish, PG-13, 1668 words. Jeeves and Bertie in the trenches, 1918.

Third Person - Bertie/Bingo, unrequited Jeevesy feels, R, 1100 words. The one with the really depressing voyeurism.

Many Happy Returns - Jeeves/Bertie, PG, 2300 words. Five birthdays in the life.

-Maliciously - Uhhhhh. Bertie/OFC with a side of ouch, 245 words. The summary is also the pairing.
- But Not a Drop to Drink - Bertie/OFC, more pain. Sequel to Maliciously. The one with the telegrams and did I mention the OUCH.

Taking Notes - Bertie/Jeeves, G, ~1300 words. Bertie's pen takes on a mind of its own. (i.e. he doodles like a sixth grade girl and it's really fluffy and has bad photoshop things in.)

Sorting Out the Dance Card (link goes to masterpost) - Bertie/Jeeves, R, 61,000 words. An overheard conversation changes everything. Histories, mysteries, romance, and a dive or two into the soup.

Untitled comment-fic, Jeeves and Bertie talking to River aboard Serenity (Firefly crossover)

Untitled comment-fic - Ianto/Jeeves, PG-13. Jeeves and Ianto (Torchwood Crossover)

Untitled comment-fic - Kirk/McCoy, Bertie/Jeeves, a cracky PG. "Bertie and Jim keep getting accidentally engaged to aliens; Jeeves and McCoy have to constantly rescue them and patch them up." (Jeeves & Wooster/ ST:XI crossover)

Untitled comment-fic - Bertie/Jeeves, R. "PIANO SEX, DAMMIT." Smuttttt.

-Somebody - Bertie/Jeeves overtones, OMC, PG, 1544 words. In which we are in a not-so-bright future and there is a nephew. (The one with Topper and his Brideshead-y schoool friend)
-Unfurnish - OMC/OMC pre-slash with past Bertie/Jeeves implications, PG, 560 words. Featuring Topper, Colin, and a search.

Skate/Break - Bertie/Jeeves, PG, 3719 words. In which it's Christmas, there's a sad thing in the past, a lot of general all-over-the-place-ness, and actually no overt slash. (I HATE this one. Hate it. I think it's terrible. But I was told not to delete it.)

Snore - Bertie/Jeeves, NC-17, 591 words. In which even sleeping Berties can't shut up.

Stroke - Bertie/Jeeves, NC-17, 669 words. Wherein things are not entirely what they seem, and you will think I am kind of mean.

Ragamuffin - Gen or Bertie/Jeeves pre-slash, G, 627 words. In which 6A acquires a difficult guest. (the one with the cat)

Despaired - Bertie/Jeeves, PG, 1507 words. Which earns its title, but also its past tense. (the one with the terms of endearment where Bertie makes a list and writes part of it as a script.)

Erode - G, Gen-ish, kid!Jeeves, 670 words. In which Jeeves's first love is a book.

Strangely - PG, Bertie/Jeeves, House/Wilson, 1170 words. Basically three crossovers I will never write. (Jeeves & Wooster crossovers with Doctor Who, House, and Harry Potter)

-Blister - PG-13, Bertie/Jeeves, 870 words. In which the prompt gets a vague mention and is then discarded in favor of bathtime. (the one where Aunt Dahlia knows about them and doesn't GAF.)
-Gamble - R, Bertie/Jeeves, 1580 words. In which the precipitating events of 'Blister' are explained, and the author wonders why she keeps setting fics in bathrooms.

Non-Response - PG, Bertie/Jeeves, ~300 words. In which we are epistolatory and image-heavy. (Remember that time I spent like five hours photoshopping postcards and telegrams for a freaking drabble? This is that one.)

Octosyllabic - PG, Bertie/Jeeves, ~1000 words. The one with the misunderstanding cliché and the Byron poem.

Attire - R, Bertie/Jeeves, ~700 words. The one from the POV of a freaking tie. Second only to Dance Card in the category of "stuff people who read Jooster fic remember me for." There's even a horrible podfic.

Gala - G, Bertie/Jeeves, ~800 words. The pre-canon-meeting party one. (PS I still kind of love this.)

Careful - G, Bertie/Jeeves, ~1000 words. Uh, somebody falls off a horse and it's all romance-novel like.

Scandal - G, Bertie/Jeeves, <500 words. Aunt Agatha knows.

List - G, Bertie/Jeeves, <500 words. Bertie wonders why Jeeves loves him.

Fall - G, Bertie/Jeeves, 927 words. "Do you trust me, sir?" (Baby's first Jooster! Bertie falls of a balcony.)

Hot Fuzz

All That's Missing is Alan Rickman and Some Terrorists (Five Times Christmas Went Wrong, Except Not) - Nicholas/Danny, PG-13, 3228 words. The request was fluff, snow, hot chocolate, surprises. Holiday plans going all wrong in a way that turns out so very right... which I sort of managed.

Not the X-Rated Bits - Nicholas/Danny, PG-13, ~3000 words. Danny's recovering. Alone. There's something wrong with this.


But My Own - Raffles/Bunny, PG, 1157 words. Post-'The Last Laugh' hurt/comfort.

The Due Reward of Our Deeds (link goes to AO3) - Raffles/Bunny, R, 2885 words. "I've been thinking what rot it is to go doing things by halves!" Takes place at the end of "Wilful Murder," after Bunny's two days of waiting for Raffles to return. (Yuletide 2009)

Torchwood and Doctor Who

Untitled comment-fic - Ianto/Jeeves, PG-13. Jeeves and Ianto (Torchwood/Jeeves & Wooster Crossover)

Untitled comment-fic - Gen, G, Sulu and Toshiko on a blind date. (Torchwood/Star Trek crossover)

Strangely - PG, Bertie/Jeeves, House/Wilson, 1170 words. Basically three crossovers I will never write. (Jeeves & Wooster crossovers with Doctor Who, House, and Harry Potter.)

Dances in Four Worlds - PG, Ianto/Lisa, alt!Ianto/Rose, Ianto/Ten, Jack/Ianto, ~2400 words. Four dances that could be happening somewhere.

Peace Attend (Our Weak Light Together) - PG, Gwen, Jack/Ianto. They're what she needs right now.

Various Ianto drabbles - max PG-13, Jack/Ianto, Ianto/Xander Harris, Ianto/Rose, 100 words each. The most notable thing here is a Buffy crossover.

Star Trek TOS and XI

Untitled comment-fic - Gen, G, Sulu and Toshiko on a blind date. (Torchwood/Star Trek crossover)

Untitled comment-fic - Kirk/McCoy, Bertie/Jeeves, a cracky PG. "Bertie and Jim keep getting accidentally engaged to aliens; Jeeves and McCoy have to constantly rescue them and patch them up." (Jeeves & Wooster/ ST:XI crossover)

(At Night We Walk Into Our Houses and Burn) - ST:XI, Kirk/McCoy, PG, 975 words. Wishes in Iowa. (the one with the meteor shower)

Random one-night standoms

The Mystery Writer - Dan/Jones, Bernard/Manny pre-slash maybe, Dan/Bernard bromance, PG, 1215 words. It was the strangest friendship Manny had ever seen. (Nathan Barley/Black Books crossover)

[Kingdom] Untitled comment-fic - Peter Kingdom/OMC, G. Peter Kingdom gets a boyfriend. (The one with Beatrice and the dude who is clearly played by Hugh Laurie.)

Strangely - PG, Bertie/Jeeves, House/Wilson, 1170 words. Basically three crossovers I will never write. (Jeeves & Wooster crossovers with Doctor Who, House, and Harry Potter.)

-[The IT Crowd] Is There Something Over There? - Richmond/OC, G, 200 words. The one where Richmond meets his Julian-Barrat-shaped neighbor.
- Let's Go Where We're Wanted - Richmond/OC, G, 200 words. That one with the cemetery and the Julian-Barratt-shaped OC.

All of the crossovers, listed above or not.

The Mystery Writer - Dan/Jones, Bernard/Manny pre-slash maybe, Dan/Bernard bromance, PG, 1215 words. It was the strangest friendship Manny had ever seen. (Nathan Barley/Black Books crossover)

Jeeves and the Dalston Detour (link goes to AO3) - Howard/Vince, Bertie/Jeeves, G, ~4400 words. That one time when Jeeves and Bertie were inexplicably in the 21st century and hung out in the Nabootique. (Mighty Boosh/Jeeves & Wooster crossover)

Wrecking Ball - (Nathan Barley/Sweet crossover), Pete/Dan and Dan/Jones, R, 4262 words. Sequel to the_reverand's Public Pervert. Everyone finds out.

Review - Gen-ish, PG, 200 words. Dan reviews a Boosh gig. (Mighty Boosh/Nathan Barley crossover)

Smoke and Mirrors - (Mighty Boosh/Nathan Barley crossover) - Dan/Jones and Vince/Howard mainly, PG-13, ~12,000 words. Paths cross, lips do stuff to other lips, feelings are felt, music is made. May contain chavs, made-up publications, a fully intact fourth wall, and peer pressure from Naboo. May not contain Bollo, who would nevertheless like you to know that Sugar Ape was named after him.

Untitled comment-fic - Ianto/Jeeves, PG-13. Jeeves and Ianto (Jeeves & Wooster/Torchwood Crossover)

Untitled comment-fic, Jeeves and Bertie talking to River aboard Serenity (Jeeves & Wooster/Firefly crossover)

Untitled comment-fic - Gen, G, Sulu and Toshiko on a blind date. (Torchwood/Star Trek crossover)

Untitled comment-fic - Kirk/McCoy, Bertie/Jeeves, a cracky PG. "Bertie and Jim keep getting accidentally engaged to aliens; Jeeves and McCoy have to constantly rescue them and patch them up." (Jeeves & Wooster/ ST:XI crossover)

Strangely - PG, Bertie/Jeeves, House/Wilson, 1170 words. Basically three crossovers I will never write. (Jeeves & Wooster crossovers with Doctor Who, House, and Harry Potter.)

Various Ianto drabbles - max PG-13, Jack/Ianto, Ianto/Xander Harris, Ianto/Rose, 100 words each. The most notable thing here is a Buffy crossover.

the walking dead, roadtripverse, spn, harry potter, nathan barley, the mighty boosh, doctor who, hot fuzz, raffles, jeeves & wooster, star trek, torchwood, black books, sweet, fraglets, !the big masterlist, fic

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