Title: From Under the Gaze of the Moon
Pairing: Harry/Louis
Genre: mut, PWP
Word Count: 4241
Warnings and Content: Explicit sex, werewolves, mentions of knotting, biting and pain kinks, D/s undertones, scenting, come play, and public sex.
Rating: C-17
Summary: Preforming on stage under the full moon always gets Louis' blood going. His wolf strains to be free, to run wild and howl to the wind. Most of the time he can reign it in on his own, but sometimes he needs a bit of help pulling himself back from the edge.
Author's Note: As always, many thanks to the best part of m
ologist, for the quick beta. Any remaining mistakes are my own. Als
Gloobear, this is all your fault. I hope you're happy with yourself.
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