Feb 25, 2008 20:10
brain spilled kindred (fifty years ago)
jean-paul sartre wrote down my exact thoughts, progression and all, in another language. the thoughts i wrote in less eloquent form late at night in my room alone, EXISTENTIAL ANGUISH, thought for thought link for link laid out on a novel page originally written in french which blows my mind clear out of my skull.
ideas are universal
i almost exploded
seeing a therapist doesn't suck as much as previously assumed: last week i was like, "yes, yes i am neurotic as hell, yes my brother is going to jail, now yes kindly go fuck yourself" but this lady deborah is alright, she realizes the small moments are what make up humans and isn't trying to shove me into a box which is cool. 23232323232323
objectiveness? i've been thinking in branches
uhh eff that! i get into frenzies over things that don't matter
aka boyzz & relationships that are never gunna happen