Deri's Song

Jul 08, 2007 08:42

Derindrel, Thirion

You're much nicer now than you used to be...

Gather Grounds
This broad meadow has been used for Gathers and other festivities as long as memory and Harper stories can recall. The level area is a perfect backdrop for colorful crafter tents, stalls selling food or drink, and game booths, as well as holding the carefully delineated dancing square and stage in a perfectly crafted setting. During the rest of the turn, the gather grounds provide a relaxing place for apprentices to congregate and engage in outdoor games, or walk along the tree lined banks of the stream in quiet contemplation. A small pathway meanders through the grounds, taking you on a lovely walk that eventually ends in the herb garden of Healer Hall.
The mountains that house Fort Weyr bulk protectively in the distance, while the main road leads south towards Harper Hall.
Candy Cart

Derindrel sits against one of the trees lining the banks of the stream, his fine violin pulling beautiful sounds from it's depths, a nice and ambient new tune. He faces the trickling water, humming along and occasionally letting out lyrics, cursing intermittently. He seems to be trying to sing and play at the same time.

Humming softly to herself Thirry saunters down the Gather Grounds path toward the stream, hoping to find a cool tree to sit under and ponder her emerging adolescence. Ben scampers around her legs, often walking between one foot and the next almost tripping her up. Comfortable in the grey tunic Deri has given her, she hugs the softness to herself, glad she doesn't have to face him today.

Derindrel's voice should carry near now, just as he's hitting some particularly difficult notes for him. "La-da-da-da-da. La-la-la...." He must have been practicing, he's improved. Beazle lazes high up on a branch, basking in the bright summer sun. "My girl, linen and curls, lips parting like a f-ah, shards." His words are slightly off-tempo and the resulting curse is lighter than it would be at the Hall. He makes another attempt promptly, starting from the high notes. "La-da-da-da-da..."

Hearing the instrument and voice trying to synchronize, Thirry edges toward the harper she guesses is sitting on the stream bank. "Grrr, just where I wanted to sit" she mutters to herself, then smiles a trifle maliciously as she hears the off-tempo which elicits the curse from what sounds like a young male voice. On silent feet she ducks under overhanging branches and sits quietly behind the player, unaware that its Deri.

Despite it's usually defining nasal quality, Deri's voice is getting shaped by slow maturity, so it's probably easily mistaken for another's. "Waylay, din of the day, Boats bobbing in the blue of the bay..." He seems unable to synchronize the violin and voice, but unwilling to give up. Eventually, with much re-starting and effort, they do synch, resulting in a simply lovely verse.
"Ramblin', where to begin
I taste the summer on your peppery skin,
Been saved, the warmer the waves,
I felt a slip into a watery grave a-woah.
La-da-da-da-da. Woa-ho-ha-a-a-a-oh..."

Thirry is entranced by the quality of the voice and feeling a sense of congratulation when the violin and voice synchronize. The words of the song seem to warm her in an unusual way. Even Ben starts to purr as he climbs onto her lap and curls up contentedly. As the song progresses, Thirry finds it impossible to be quiet, and quickly learning the words, she starts to sing along in what she imagines is a quiet voice, a blissful smile lighting up her face.

Instead of stopping, Derindrel's violin continues to play along with the song. Next, he plays the verse he previously failed to, giving no signal that he can hear the girl singing along.
"My girl, linen and curls,
Lips parting like a flag all unfurled,
She's grand, the bend of her hand,
Digging deep into the sweep of the sand a-woah.

The young lad's voice doesn't hit the same notes as before, instead slipping into perfect harmony with Thirion's.
"La-da-da-da-da. Woa-ho-ha-a-a-a-oh..."

Not even aware that their voices are in such harmony, Thirry continues to sing, lost in the melody, savouring the words. Slowly edging forward, she moves to sit beside the singer, Ben deserting her lap. Looking slowly to her right sees for the first time that its Derindrel. She abruptly stops singing and gawks at him in amazement. "You!" she bursts out, eyes large and eyebrows arched.

A horrid screech comes from the violin, an equally nasty sound coming from it's owner as he's snapped from his musical reverie. Derindrel offers nothing but a pleasant grin, not even a hint of the boy's typical anger showing on him now. He's softer, more pleasant, even the bandana lacks an edge, transformed to stylish instead of ominous. "Hello Thirion," The boy greets with a slight nod. "I'm very sorry about the other day." One crystal-grey eye flicks over her new appearance, adding an entertained twist to his smile. "Enjoying the clothes? They look lovely on you." Lovely? Since when did Deri use that word outside of sarcasm...?

Speechless for several moments Thirry regards Deri with open mouthed surprise. Never in her wildest dreams did she imagine that he would actually apologise for anything. And saying she looked lovely? No one had ever complimented her before, for anything, so hearing his words now sent a blush creeping into her apple cheeks. Then a slow smile spreads across her face and she dimples at him. "Thank you Deri, they are wonderful!. So's your music. Did you write that song? The words and melody are beautiful"

Derindrel only smiles politely in the face of her blush, and if he's red himself it's utterly undetectable on his reddish-bronze skin. "You're very welcome to more clothes, the next time. There isn't quite enough space in my trunk, yet." He looks modest in response to her own compliments, another rarity, known to just acknowledge the fact despite how rude it is. "Oh, yes. I wrote it. Do you really think so? What do you make of the harmony? I only wrote it just now, with your help." A smile of gratitude makes his face ever softer, ever unfamiliar. The sun nears afternoon height, the rest of those nearby leaving the Gather Grounds for lunch.

Can this be the same boy Thirry knew only a few weeks ago who was so distant, so sarcastic, so awkward? Thirry gives herself a slight shake and nods her thanks at his offer of more clothing, but at the same time feels indebted to him and slightly uncomfortable to wearing boy's clothes all the time, wishing she had some skirts. "I helped with the harmony? How? I was just singing along, it was great," Thirry's young face wreathed in smiles.

Perhaps it can, or perhaps it's a totally different boy. Out here in the nature, Deri does seem to adopt an unsettlingly different mindset. "That's how you helped, Thirion. I hadn't figured there could be a female part too, as it's... generally a boy-oriented song." He admits this with almost a chuckle, pulling the tune from his instrument again. "Can we run through that once more? One-and-two..." He counts the time, then starts singing, using new melodies and trying to experiment with the harmonies she creates.
At the appropriate beat Thirry adds her harmony without any effort, it just seems to float out of her and she immerses herself in the melody. Picking up two sticks lying on the ground near her, she gently taps one against another, beating out the rhythm, adding an unusual flavour to the music.

Derindrel plays a couple of choruses, their music entwining together and ending on a long, haunting note that begs to be continued. He lets the silence filter in after that, eyes closed, instrument lowered, basking in the hot warmth of a summer afternoon.

Not wanting to disturb the satisfied silence that strings out with the last note played, Thirry sits with her hands still holding the sticks in her lap, her breathing relaxed, gazing at the slow flow of the river. Meanwhile, Ben has climbed the tree and crept up behind Beazle who has been crooning softly to the music and like Deri, has his eyes closed also enjoying the mood. Ben slaps his tail enthusiastically, sitting back to watch the reaction its sure to bring.

After some time, Derindrel's eye opens with a bright spark there seen by next to no one before. "Did you hear that?" He breathes, as Beazle startles from the tree in an angry rush of wings, shooting down to his usual perch's shoulder and all but crashing into it. In the nick of time, Derindrel's managed to snatch his expensive violin out of the way, arm raised high in the air to protect the instrument. Distracted, the boy sounds slightly entertained and tries to aid the flit with his free hand, cooing comforting noises at the small dragonkin.

Startled by the firelizzard's abrupt flight and awkward landing on Deri's shoulder, Thirry turns quickly to see what had caused his alarm. Seeing a striped ginger tail swishing back and forth below a branch she knows exactly who the perpetrators is. "Ben! What are you up to, you naughty feline! come down here at once... If Beazle had smacked you, you could have had a nasty gash." she remonstrated with Ben. Turning to Deri she face palms. "So sorry Deri, Beazle, Ben is just up to mischief most of the time, I'm sure he means no harm."

Derindrel shakes his head and gives another small chuckle as the flit rights himself, dignified, on the boy's shoulder, dull red eyes whirling up at the feline. Lucky Ben's size has kept his hide intact, this time! "It's fine. Felines must be more difficult to manage than firelizards." He says this in a teasing manner, aimed at the furry animal itself. Beazle backs this up with a draconic scoff at the obvious understatement.

Thirry makes a face and offers, "So sorry he ruined the moment. I really enjoyed singing harmony with you. We must do it again sometime?" half query half statement. But, its getting late so I guess we should be going now." she says as she looks up into his young face, carefully avoiding the offended firelizzard.

Derindrel stands without a word, cradling his violin in his arm before offering a hand down to the girl still seated. Uncommon as this practice may be, it seems to totally suit him there, trick of the light perhaps adding just the right warmth to his polite grin. It's as if he's just as ready to pull the girl into his arms as he is to help her stand.
Thirry accepts the offered hand as she did in the Herb garden when she was discovered in the dust by him. It seems a little more natural now, and she smiles as she stands, and dusts the dirt off the seat of her pants. There is something in Deri's eyes that is a little disconcerting, an unusual warmth, uncharacteristic for him and she decides to ignore it as it is probably just her perception. "I'm glad we can be friends now Deri, you're much nicer now than you used to be.." she gives his hand a slight squeeze, reaches up and scratches Beazle's eyeridges and turns to take the path back to the Hall.
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