Angry encounter

Nov 27, 2007 23:09

Who: A'son Thirion
Where: Harper Hall courtyard

A chance encounter with A'son Jolak's elder brother has Thirion asking him just why he's so hard on his brother instead of being understanding

A break in classes is just what Thirion needs to clear her head, so she heads outside to the courtyard, mug of klah in hand and leans nonchalantly against the sun-warmed wall. Trill nuzzles her cheek gently then squawks as she sees a shadow over the courtyard causing Thirry to look up.

Breged notices the others in the courtyard. He sits down several yards from them and produces a book from his pocket. Opening it he begins to read silently to himself.

Nikoth lands on the far side of the courtyard, far enough away from the general populace that he doesn't have to worry about squishing anything. A'son dismounts, pulling a package out of one of the side bags. The package is then tucked under his arm and he starts to stroll across the stones, heading for inside and passing Thirion on his way.

Good manners compel Thirion to greet the visiting rider, who from his shoulder knot she sees is from High Reaches Weyr. “Hello there, welcome to the Harper Hall, duties to High Reaches and her queens, you looking for someone?” she calls cheerily, pushing herself away from the wall and strolling over and looking up into his rugged face. Her eyes flick over the package tucked under his arm but not a stare, even though her inquisitive instincts ripple vigorously.

"Greetings to Harper Hall. I'm just looking to drop this package off, but I know my way around. Thanks anyway though." A'son responds pleasantly, giving her a friendly smile. His eyes glance down to the package and then herself when she glances, not dropping his open expression. "Is there anything else?" He asks, eyebrows lifted a little.

“No, not really, though I could deliver it for you, if you like?” she raises her brows in a questioning attitude. Not waiting for him to answer, she tilts her head on one side and continues, “You remind me of someone I know.” Then shakes her head as if to negate her previous statement, half turning away.

"Nope, that's okay. I need the fresh air and some walking. You never get too much of that exercise stuff I guess." A'son says with a grin and small roll of his eyes. "Could be. I've got a couple of siblings floating around at the weyr and out of the weyr. You harpers do records and stuff, I've got a brother who does records at home. So who knows. Maybe you ran into 'em." He lifts his hand in half a wave and goes to move past her. "Anyway, have a lovely day!"

“Yeah, I guess so.” Thirry is about to walk away when some instinct rises to the fore and she voices her feeling “If you don’t mind my asking, is one of those siblings Jolak by any chance?” in a half joking manner, cautious in case she is completely wrong.

A'son pauses midstep and turns to respond. "Yeah, he's one of them." Thirion is given a long look when she says a name that he actually knows. His lips purses a little and then he quirks a grin again, "I'll be sure to say you said hi. I'm sorry, what's your name again? I don't believe I caught it the first time around?"

There is something about this rider’s manner that gets under her skin a little, is it arrogance? Nevertheless she responds, “My name is Thirion, and may I ask yours - since you’re related to a really good friend of mine.” Then she decides to pre-empt him with, “You’re not A’son are you by any chance?” and steps back a step to give him another once over glance.

A'son rearranges the package under his arm, giving him time to give Thirion a longer, further look. His attitude is still friendly, though highlighted with some caution. "Well met, Thirion. When I see him again I'll let him know that you said hello." One eyebrow lifts ever so slightly, "Yes, that's me. A'son, Nikoth's rider." A lift of his chin is given in the direction of the bronze.

Thirry regards him solemnly for a moment and then, coming to a quick decision, asks, “A’son if you have a moment, could we talk? There is something bothering me, which is quite likely not my business, but nevertheless, would you mind?” she asks, slowly moving back into the weak but warming sunshine. Then, in an attempt to humour the man she compliments bronze Nikoth, “He’s a beauty, isn’t he?”

"Don't let him know you think that, his head will explode. He's one of those self-involved types." A'son says easily, though his opinion of the dragon is clearly told by his admiring gaze. Thirion's question brings him back and he looks at her questioningly. "Talk?" He considers for a moment and then shrugs his shoulders. "Go for it. What's bothering you?"

“This /is/ a little awkward, and I’m not sure where to begin, but - here it is then.” Thirry sighs then tilts her chin determinedly and looks A’son straight in the eye, lest she lose her nerve. “A short while ago I was at the High Reaches to see Jolak. When he came into the living cavern it was pretty obvious that he was very upset and his left cheek was swollen. Naturally I was concerned and asked what had happened. He told me that you’d punched him for an offence, and hadn’t given him a chance to explain his side of the affair and that you’d taken the word of another.” Thirry holds up her hand palm facing A’son to forestall his interrupting, “It seems to me he was more upset by the fact that as his brother you didn’t give him a chance to explain than the actual blow.” She takes a deep breath and plunges on, “He told me that your father has recently died which in itself is distressing.” Then, with anguish in her eyes, “Don’t you think you may be being too hard on him?” with that she lowers her head, hair falling over her cheeks and waits for his response.

A'son lifts his eyebrows all the way up. "No, I don't. I guess Jolak didn't decide to explain the entire story to you. I guess he left out the part where it was another rider who saw him wandering around the stores at night or that the story was supported by one of High Reaches assistant headwoman. Maybe he left out the part where he decided to get physical first." There's a pause as he looks for there to be an impact of what he's said. "Yeah, I was mad at him. Yes, I threatened to beat him to a pulp if I heard anything else like that ever again. But he decided to respond to that by yelling, by going at me first. He pushed me, I punched him in the face. He didn't try to discuss it. Not once did he try to discuss it with me. Don't think for a second that he was an innocent that I just walked up to and smashed one." He shakes his head a little. "Yeah, our father died. That means that the next oldest male in his life? Is me. He's my brother and I'm going to take care of him. That means keeping him out of trouble, even if it means scaring the daylights out him."

Thirry takes a step backward in the face of A’son’s anger, and carefully considers what he’s said, then “No, there some details he left out, but I guess that’s understandable, as we all try to put ourselves in the best light before others” she says with wisdom beyond her yeas. “Could you not perhaps have had a meeting with all concerned? The other rider and the assistant headwoman? Then he could have taken his punishment not in anger but as proper discipline meted out for the ‘crime’” Then, trying to lighten the seriousness of the moment she gives him a lopsided smile. “and you certainly /did/ scare the daylights out of him” then she adds, “but also hurt him deeply. Don’t you think as a sort of surrogate father you could show him some compassion and maybe even brotherly love instead?”

A'son's eyebrows lift. "Punishment? For sneaking around in the stores after dark? When the Weyr is low on supplies? When we don't have enough as it is? I don't know what he was doing there and I really don't want to know. And I don't want other people to know either. I just want him to cut it out and not turn into a criminal. It's an easy line to cross." There's a stiffness to his shoulders as he steps away. "Jolak gets plenty of brotherly love and advice. That wasn't a situation for brotherly advice. I most certainly was not going to come up to him and say 'Oh Joe, please stop breaking into things. You might get into some trouble'. Because if he did get in trouble, it would have been big trouble. So no, that wasn't an option I was interested in using at that moment." His head tilts and he lifts his shoulders. "Really? You two are close? So it was okay for him to come crying to you that he's a persecuted victim who no one listens to? When that wasn't the case at all? He lied to you about what happened. Just like he's lying to me that he was doing something wrong. That's not putting yourself in the past light, it's deception."

A’son’s comment about Jolak coming crying to her angers Thirry who’s been trying her utmost to stay calm and neutral, but she valiantly fights down the impulse to allow him to see that. “Actually, A’son I had to drag out of him what had happened, and it was just unfortunate that I happened to be in the living cavern right after you smacked him. In fact, he didn’t know I was there until he saw me.” Then, trying another tack she suggests, “I don’t suppose when you were Jolak’s age you did anything ‘wrong’ did you? I mean, something which you father would have had reason to take a belt to you, or worse still his fist?”

"No. My father never had a reason to take a belt to me. I never engaged in blatent criminal activities that would be to the disadvantage of my home weyr. I played by the rules. Like most halfway intelligent people do." A'son rolls his eyes at the teenager. "Did you decide to miss out on the part where he came at me first? I didn't have any intention of smashing him until he decided to act like a total fool." Thirion is given a long, tired look. "Fantastic. You dragged it out of him. So after you dragged it out of him, he cried and lied to you about the actual circumstances surrounding what was bothering him." Drawing himself up now, "Thank you for advice," Flick of his eyes towards her knot, "Apprentice Harper Thirion. But my family business? Is none of your concern. Stay out of it and have a great day." Unmolested, he'll turn on heel and continue on to his previous destination.

Thoroughly incensed at his self-righteous attitude, Thirry calls after him, “what a sore burden it must be to be so right all the time, to never have done wrong, and to have to bring up a whelp of a brother with your fists, even if he did push you a little. Did that hurt your pride in front of your friends? You’re right, your family is none of my business, but it’s a sad day when someone comes to you in honesty to try to mediate and is met with rudeness!” With clenched fists, she turns away and calls carelessly over her shoulder “clear skies, bronzerider!”

A'son's pace does not quicken or slow upon hearing Thirion's words called out after him. The bronzerider lifts his chin and disappears inside of the main buildings. He's got a package to deliver, right?
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